
!!!Still Pre-Release!!!

First of all - many thanks to this guys: http://happyworm.com
There you can find examples and demos of jPlayer add-on to jQuery library.

Now about plugin. It is not optimized now, so if you think you can fix something - go ahead. I'm not an ace in PHP and absolutely zero in JavaScript, so I will very appreciate any help.

This plugin is using MySQL table which will be created/dropped during installation/uninstallation.
Plugin will allow user to manage playlist and add there MP3 files from PFS. It will check all PFS and if file is not in the playlist - allow you to add it.

Playlist is manageable. User is allowed to change song's order and synchronize it with PFS: if file was deleted from there, it will delete file from playlist automatically.

Edit jQPlayer.footer.tags.php to change playlist appearance.



1. Copy contents of /JS/ folder to //yoursite/js
2. Copy jQplayer to plugins folder: //yoursite/plugins/
3. Go to admin panel -> plugins and install plugin
4. Add {FOOTER_PLAYER} to footer.tpl file of your skin
5. Edit plugin .CSS file if required.
6. Check .HTACCESS file in the root of your site. Because some browsers still doesn't support HTML5 audio - plugin uses FLASH .SWF file to play audio with those browsers. For some security reasons it is require to keep .SWF on the same domain as your base page. Even with http://yousite.com and http://www.yoursite.com will made some troubles. So rewrite all requests to your base page.


RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^yoursite.com
RewriteRule (.*) http://www.yoursite.com/ [R=301,L]
DirectoryIndex page.php?id=3

This will reroute all requests from yoursite.com to http://www.yoursite.com/page.php?id=3

* En lang file is attached


1. Upload MP3 files to any PFS folder.
2. Go to http://yoursite.com/admin.php?m=tools&p=jQPlayer to manage your playlist and add files form PFS.

* Playlist has some extra fields like Artist Name, Album, Song Name and Comment. It is not necessary to fill them. By default it will show file name at playlist. If song name is filled and Artist name is missed - it will show only song name. If only artist is filled: then Artist Name - File Name.

To do:

1. Add custom scroll bar to default skin file
2. Add playlist shuffle, sort by... options (!!! On the skin or at the playlist admin ???)
3. Add plugin .TPL file
4. Add Tags system - on each page it must put to playlist only tagged files.
5. Add album covers attachements.
6. ...

1. Iceman  2010-04-03 01:45
:/ I want to download it but gives me this "The page you are looking for is unavailable for security reason."
need to fix the url from
2. Iceman  2010-04-03 02:04
I just installed it and I couldn't get the plugin to work... the admin tools panel shows up blank.
3. booka  2010-04-06 14:50
I fixed link to file, sorry...

What do you mean by blank admin tools panel?
4. 3axap  2010-04-28 21:46
5. rohillion  2010-05-29 12:44
Hi! I have a problem and I need your help. When executed the file admin.php appears an error ''wrong url'' Why? HELP ME PLEASE!
6. Dayver  2010-12-27 20:46
to Iceman, 3axap and booka fix in jQPlayer.admin.php:
//Check the rights
$admin = sed_auth('plug', 'newsletter', 'A');
$read = sed_auth('plug', 'newsletter', 'R');
$write = sed_auth('plug', 'newsletter', 'W');

//Check the rights
$admin = sed_auth('plug', 'jQPlayer', 'A');
$read = sed_auth('plug', 'jQPlayer', 'R');
$write = sed_auth('plug', 'jQPlayer', 'W');
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