Users by first letter

This plugin allows you to filter your Cotonti user list by first letter of the username. This version also includes automatic transliteration of latin1 characters to ASCII, in order to allow filtering of latin1 characters.

Installation is straightforward. Just upload the files to your plugins folder and install the plugin through the Cotonti admin panel.

The source code is hosted on Github. Feel free to fork and modify.

1. foxhound  2012-09-28 10:46

Does not work with Sienna 0.9.11? I tried adding the tags "{LETTER}" and "{URL}" to my users.tpl but other than an url and a letter (always the "Z") nothing shows.

Quote: "Installation is straightforward."

Does it no longer work or do I have to add other tags as well to get the filter to show? The debug did not show any other TAGS from this plugin other than the two mentioned above.

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