
Cotonti “Blogger” Plugin

This plugin allows users who have the right to blog (this group has the W permission to write in this plugin) to create their own blogs — categories nested in the blog root category. They are automatically allowed to create pages, and (optionally) nested categories in this category. The author of the blog can choose a skin for it. He has an opportunity to receive notifications when anyone comments his pages to his e-mail.
If “2” option is set for a group, (sed_auth ('plug', 'an_bloger', '2 ')), the pages created by the user of this group are published automatically and do not require a separate confirmation of the administrator.

The last blog entries are displayed in the blog root category. The number of entries is configured in the admin panel.

Since the plugin runs on standard categories and engine pages, no additions to the site map (AN SiteMap) are required. Also, it will be easily picked by the search, RSS and other plugins.

After creating a gallery plugin the possibility of adding a photo gallery to your blog will be added.

It would be great to add an Ajax-calendar plugin where you can mark the birthday of the blogger and the date of adding articles and events.

- Primary blog category (for example "Blogger" list = blogs)
- Allow creation of subcategories in the blog.
- Allow skin selection (additional blogging skins may be placed in a blogskins folder)
- Notify the administrator of new pages?
- autopublication of pages - if “2” option is set for the group, (sed_auth ('plug', 'an_bloger', '2 ')), the pages created by the users from this group do not require a separate confirmation of the administrator and are published automatically




1. foxhound  2011-01-15 23:17
Looks very nice, do you have a demo site? Just for a quick look of this plugin?
2. Alex300  2011-01-16 01:47
The demo can be found here: (Russian)
You should not create a test blog here - this is a working site.
3. foxhound  2011-01-16 06:45
Thanks for the link, I used some translater to view the site and it looks like something which might really be a nice addition to my site in the future to let people who develop stuff write about it :)
4. foxhound  2011-01-26 17:14
Tested it but I cant use it in its current state.
No idea which tags should be added, some seem to overlap. Adding all tags listed after installing the plugin shows errors in the list.
Installing the tags listed in the readme has the same result.

I tried removing tag by tag but that gives weird results so I hope you will maybe release an updated version of this plugin. It could be really nice.

Have you also maybe thought of doing it a bit differently? Maybe you can use the news plugin to work with this so when you visit someones blog you will actually see all his written items (for example latest ten, just like on a normal homepage) and can use the "read more" link to read the whole text? This instead of just showing a list of submitted blogs and a listed of the latest blogs on top.

Also, check the showcase plugin. Using that you might be able to make a nice overview of available blogs?

Just some ideas, I hope you don't mind.
Keep up the good work :)
5. Moool13  2011-11-29 14:02

Будет сделана для Сиены?)

6. Kabak  2014-11-07 10:53

Как сделать хоть один блог на сайте ?  Поле установки плагина АДМИНУ отрубается возможность создать простую страницу новостей. Как его правильно использовать, можно яснее ?

"в файл скина page.list.tpl или users.details.tpl добавить необходимые теги"  Какие тэги нужно использовать ?  Неужели сложно один раз написать доступно документацию для пользователя, чтобы пользователь вашего плагина не тратил дни на изучение чужих TPL ?

7. Kabak  2014-11-11 07:06

Можно ознакомиться со списком ТЭГОВ плагина и как именно / на каких страницах сайта ими пользоваться ?

Конкретно интересует какие тэги где могут размещяться ?  Какие для страницы профиля пользователя, какие ещё где должны размещяться ?

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