User Inactive

What is it?

A plugin to send all users who have not visited your site within a site amount of time, a Email or PM.

How to install?

Install like any other simple plugin not requiring tags or SQL:
Unpack, upload the contents to: plugins/userinactive/files.....
Then install the plugin via the Administration Panel.

How to Use?

Very simple.
In the plugin config, you are given options to tweak.
You can decide how many days a user is gone till he/she is considered inactive.
The name of the sender, ID, PM Message title and Body.
You can decide if you would rather select users who are inactive, or just send All users a Email and PM.
You can also decide if you would rather have a Email sent, or PM as well.


Just this was a request from some members here.

Thanks to....

Thanks to Kilandor for telling me that its user_lastlog
Or I'd be sitting here wondering why its still not working.
SunChase for beta testing it to make sure it works.
Pieter for doing the Dutch conversion of the Lang file.
And DragoNero for helping me on the For Each Part of the script.

1. fedai  2010-01-09 04:14
Turkish lang file(Türkçe dil)
2. Kingsley  2010-01-09 19:31
thank you very much for this one :)
3. pieter  2010-01-10 00:28
4. musashi9  2011-11-30 04:38

I am a little confussed

option #1

"If you want to maually send the messages, select no :"

Does this mean "NO" selected =  I don't want to manually..... or I have to select "NO" to make it automatically send messages??

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