For this tutorial I'm using Cotonti Siena 0.9.0, the Nemesis-theme, Pageavatar-plugin and fancybox
1. Installing Pageavatar for Siena: more details
2. Configuring Pageavatar for Siena: more details
For this tutorial I used: all|datas/photos|thumb250_-250-250|0||crop
3. Making pagecategories for the gallery
For this tutotial I used the following:
Make sure that all subcategories of the gallery are pointing to the template of gallery
Click on options of the subcatergory.
I also added a url to a Icon. This icon will be used to display the category.
4. Copy the fancybox directory to your root-directory:
5. Adding some TPL-templates for the gallery.
Make a copy from:
- page.add.tpl and rename the copy to
- page.edit.tpl and rename the copy to
- page.tpl and rename the copy to
- page.list.tpl and rename the copy to
In, add the part like discribed in installing Pageavatar:
<tr> <td>{PAGEADD_FORM_AVATAR_TITLE}:</td> <td>{PAGEADD_FORM_AVATAR}</td> </tr>
In, add the part like discribed in installing Pageavatar:
In add before {PAGE_TEXT} the following:
<!-- IF {PAGE_AVATAR} --><a rel="example_group" href="../datas/photos/{PAGE_AVATAR}" title="{PAGE_SHORTTITLE}"><img src="./datas/photos/thumb250_{PAGE_AVATAR}" alt="{PAGE_SHORTTITLE}" /></a><br \><!-- ENDIF -->
For the fancybox-part we need to add the following, just below <!-- BEGIN: MAIN -->
<script> !window.jQuery && document.write('<script src="jquery-1.4.3.min.js"><\/script>'); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./fancybox/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { /* * Examples - images */ $("a[rel=example_group]").fancybox({ 'transitionIn' : 'none', 'transitionOut' : 'none', 'titlePosition' : 'over', 'titleFormat' : function(title, currentArray, currentIndex, currentOpts) { return '<span id="fancybox-title-over">Image ' + (currentIndex + 1) + ' / ' + currentArray.length + (title.length ? ' ' + title : '') + '</span>'; } }); }); </script>
In we need to add 3 parts:
a. Same script as above just after <!-- BEGIN: MAIN -->
b. The look and feel how the subcategories are displayed in the list.
<!-- BEGIN: LIST_ROWCAT --> <h3><a href="{LIST_ROWCAT_URL}" title="{LIST_ROWCAT_TITLE}">{LIST_ROWCAT_TITLE}</a> ({LIST_ROWCAT_COUNT})</h3> <!-- IF {LIST_ROWCAT_DESC} --> <p class="small">{LIST_ROWCAT_DESC}</p> <!-- ENDIF --> <!-- END: LIST_ROWCAT -->
<table style=" width:100%; text-align:center;"> <col width=33%> <col width=33%> <col width=33%> <tr> <td style="background:transparent;"> <div class="pagnav">{LISTCAT_PAGEPREV}{LISTCAT_PAGNAV}{LISTCAT_PAGENEXT}</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <!-- BEGIN: LIST_ROWCAT --> <td style="background:transparent;"> <strong><a href="{LIST_ROWCAT_URL}">{LIST_ROWCAT_TITLE}</a></strong> <br /> <!-- IF {LIST_ROWCAT_ICON} --> <a href="{LIST_ROWCAT_URL}"><img src="{LIST_ROWCAT_ICON}" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=150 ALT="Album: {LIST_ROWCAT_TITLE}" border="0" /></a> <br /> <!-- ENDIF --> ({LIST_ROWCAT_COUNT} photos) <br /><br /> <!-- IF {LIST_ROWCAT_DESC} --> <span class="desc">{LIST_ROWCAT_DESC}</span> <!-- ENDIF --> </td> <!-- IF {LIST_ROWCAT_NUM} % 2 == 0 --> </tr><br /><tr> <!-- ENDIF --> <!-- END: LIST_ROWCAT --> </tr> <tr> <td style="background:transparent;"> <div class="pagnav">{LISTCAT_PAGEPREV}{LISTCAT_PAGNAV}{LISTCAT_PAGENEXT}</div> </td> </tr> </table>
The tumbnails of the subcategories I made smaller than the tumbnails of the pages, to see some difference.
De IF structure with the "% 2" means that each time 2 items are displayed he we start a new <tr>. So you are making rows of 2 items.
This you can change according to your wanted layout.
c. The look and feel how the pages are displayed in the list.
They will get a title and a tumbnail.
If you click on the title, you will go to the page itself, to add comments, ..
If you click on the thumbnail it will open in a fancybox-popup window.
<!-- BEGIN: LIST_ROW --> <h3>{LIST_ROW_TITLE}</h3> <!-- IF {LIST_ROW_DESC} --><p class="small marginbottom10">{LIST_ROW_DESC}</p><!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF {PHP.usr.isadmin} --><p class="small marginbottom10">{LIST_ROW_ADMIN} ({LIST_ROW_COUNT})</p><!-- ENDIF --> <div>{LIST_ROW_TEXT}</div> <!-- IF {LIST_ROW_MORE} -->{LIST_ROW_MORE}<!-- ENDIF --> <hr /> <!-- END: LIST_ROW -->
<table > <col width=33%> <col width=33%> <col width=33%> <tr> <!-- BEGIN: LIST_ROW --> <td> <a href="{LIST_ROW_URL}">{LIST_ROW_SHORTTITLE}</a><br \> <!-- IF {LIST_ROW_AVATAR} --><a rel="example_group" href="../datas/photos/{LIST_ROW_AVATAR}" title="{LIST_CATTITLE} - {LIST_ROW_SHORTTITLE}"><img src="./datas/photos/thumb250_{LIST_ROW_AVATAR}" alt="{PAGE_SHORTTITLE}" /></a><br \><!-- ENDIF --> <p style="width:250px">{LIST_ROW_TEXT}</p><br \> <br \><br \> </td> <!-- IF {LIST_ROW_NUM} % 2 == 0 --> </tr><tr> <!-- ENDIF --> <!-- END: LIST_ROW --> </tr> </table>
You can adapt your pages like you want, with comments, ratings, ...
Remember: A Photo is just a page.
this looks so cool
Will most certainly use this.
thx a lot Pieter!
Thanked: 9 times
Example can be found at:
Not sure how long it will be there.
If someone is interested, I can upload the files to here.
@ pieter
yes please
Thanked: 9 times
Here they are
Thanked: 76 times
waiting for pageavatar 4.0
thx Pieter
@ esclkm
Why, what's so special about that?
Thanked: 76 times
custom crop for each thumb
Thanked: 76 times
new version