How to convert a cotonti-skin 0.6.7 to a version 0.6.11

If you are updating cotonti, don't forget to update your own skin too.

This is a minor update, but is needed for the admin part.
Your changes in admin seems not to work. Only if you refresh (F5)

How to solve:
Copy all the files from /sed-light/admin EXCEPT admin.tpl.

Open your original admin.tpl.

Search for:
and change it to:
<div id="pagtab">

Your skin is up-to-date to use with Cotonti Genoa 0.6.11

1. Kingsley  2010-11-07 23:46
Where does id="pagtab" link to? there is no "pagtab" in the css..
2. pieter  2010-11-08 05:38
has something to do with jquery and refreshing that part. I guess.
3. Trustmaster  2010-11-08 15:11
It is used to let the AJAX handler know what to refresh.
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