Sort by date | category
- 3. März 2016, 18:14:
- Dokumentation / Cotonti erweitern / Sprachen / Localization-files overview
- 3. März 2016, 12:39:
- Localizations / Dutch Languagepack for Cotonti Genoa
- 19. Juli 2012, 06:53:
- Dokumentation / Schnellhilfe / Fancybox Integration without plugin
- 31. Dezember 2011, 10:24:
- Themes / [Siena] Gameportal
- 17. April 2011, 07:37:
- Dokumentation / Plugins / How to make a gallery with Pageavatar?
- 7. November 2010, 21:11:
- Documentation (Genoa and older) / Dutch / Skins / Skin aanpassen van cotonti 0.6.7 naar 0.6.11
- 7. November 2010, 19:03:
- Documentation (Genoa and older) / English / Skins / How to convert a cotonti-skin 0.6.7 to a version 0.6.11
- 6. März 2010, 15:10:
- Documentation (Genoa and older) / English / Skins / How to convert a cotonti-skin 0.6.6 to a version 0.6.7
- 6. März 2010, 15:10:
- Documentation (Genoa and older) / Dutch / Skins / Skin aanpassen van cotonti 0.6.6 naar 0.6.7
- 2. Februar 2010, 05:06:
- Documentation (Genoa and older) / Dutch / Skins / Skin aanpassen van cotonti 0.6.5 naar 0.6.6
Insgesamt: 34, Auf Seite: 10
- 1. Mai 2019, 07:12:
Cotonti / Support /
SQL error 22001: String data, right truncated
- 2. Oktober 2017, 05:27:
Unrelated / Offtopic /
Happy Birthday, Trustmaster!
- 21. Februar 2015, 12:18:
Cotonti / Core Labs /
User Avatar in User Menu
- 19. Februar 2015, 10:20:
Cotonti / Core Labs /
MVC in comments
- 18. Februar 2015, 20:11:
Cotonti / Support /
Give users edit rights for a specific page
- 17. Februar 2015, 16:31:
Cotonti / Support /
Pageavatar 4 is not generating thumbs
- 7. September 2014, 14:24:
Cotonti / Support /
LastPostAvatar Siena Plugin broken link
- 1. Juni 2014, 07:53:
Cotonti / General /
Convert seditio to cotonti/from
- 2. März 2014, 09:38:
Cotonti / Skins /
Teneke themes
- 24. Dezember 2013, 19:50:
Unrelated / Offtopic /
Happy holidays
Insgesamt: 1152, Auf Seite: 10