Cotonti Siena 0.9.19 released

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We glad to announce the long-awaited 0.9.19 release!

Let's see what we get with it:

in total of 217 commits.

We work hard and we get it! Thanks for this release contributors and our community volunteers.


Learn more about release and upgrade for more stability!

1. Dr2005alex  25. Juni 2016, 05:51

Ура Ура Ураааааааааа ))

2. Roffun  25. Juni 2016, 16:12

Отлично, будем обновляться.

3. Leshkens  25. Juni 2016, 21:47

Спасибо, ребята! :o)


4. Denisbox  29. Juni 2016, 06:42

Спасибо! Долгожданный релиз!

5. Graber  1. Juli 2016, 11:54

Накая приятная новость!

Спасибо всем, кто работал над релизом.

6. aiwass  21. August 2016, 09:12

Will Cotonti Siena 0.9.19 run properly on server using PHP 7.0? Or will there be issues?

7. Macik  10. September 2016, 21:28

aiwass, we still tested it, but no serious issues had spotted for now. One minor bug (PHP7 related) had been fixed (see master branch). 

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