Prva verzija hrvatskog prijevoda za Cotonti 0.6.1.
Kontaktirajte me preko PMa ako imate kakve prijedloge ili ispravke ovog prijevoda.
1. Odpakirajte
2. Uploadajte foldere: plugins, skins, system u vaš /www folder (folder gdje se nalaze datoteke Cotontia)
3. Otvorite datas/config.php
4. Pronađite:
$cfg['defaultlang'] = 'en';
5. Zamijenite:
$cfg['defaultlang'] = 'hr';
This is the first version of Croatian(HR) language pack for Cotonti 0.6.1
Please contact me by PM if you have any suggestions or corrections of this translation.
1. Unpack
2. Upload folders: plugins, skins, system to your /www folder (or any folder where you've installed Cotonti)
3. Open datas/config.php
4. Find
$cfg['defaultlang'] = 'en';
5. Replace
$cfg['defaultlang'] = 'hr';