Foren / Cotonti / Support / comments for plugin

#1 9. Februar 2013, 16:05

i trie to add comments for a plugin but i'm getting this message: Adding comments has been disabled for this item
i added this to the plugin

list($comments_link, $comments_display, $comments_count) = sed_build_comments($item_code, $row1, $comments);

"COMMENTS" => $comments_link,
"COMMENTS_DISPLAY" => $comments_display,
"COMMENTS_COUNT" => $comments_count,


#2 13. Februar 2013, 07:29

Wild guess - did you set and/or check permissions?


Also, maybe post a bit more of the plugin code? 

#3 13. Februar 2013, 11:09

I think you might find that you are not defining what comments to load for your plugin. You need to check what those variables are set to, if anything.

#4 13. Februar 2013, 17:57

already found it, need to add this to the code

$comments = true;