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Cotonti | Themen | Beiträge | Letzter Beitrag | |
GeneralGeneral dicussion about Cotonti |
305 | 1638 |
Pages and posts re-styling... 27. Juni, 10:12 dorofej85 |
SupportCotonti(core) help forum |
903 | 5400 |
im Searching Prefessional The... 12. Januar, 17:53 MecTruy |
DevelopmentProject Organization and Future |
73 | 961 |
[fixed] Error in install.inst... 20. März, 00:41 Macik |
ExtensionsDiscuss your work on Plugins and Modules |
447 | 3447 |
[Plugin] Mass user import 9. August, 03:27 afftar |
SkinsThird-party Skins |
179 | 1276 |
Как красиво поступить с "лишн... 29. September, 07:36 Kort |
Core LabsDiscussing Core Features, Projects and Tasks |
222 | 1613 |
Standard Bots in who's online 3. Oktober, 07:01 Alex300 |
PatchesFormely known as Corehacks |
10 | 79 |
good day 30. März, 08:48 imaginative |
BugsIf is not enough for you |
147 | 705 |
Patebin bug 26. August, 09:53 Kaan |
LocalizationDiscussing localization issues and translation requests |
20 | 126 |
French and Portuguese langpac... 30. März, 12:09 Dayver |
DocumentationA forum to coordinate work on documentation |
21 | 79 |
Cotonti documentation plan 28. Januar, 13:29 milleja46 |
Craftwork | Themen | Beiträge | Letzter Beitrag | |
Server-sidePHP, MySQL, Apache and other server-side questions |
19 | 101 |
php 4.1 21. Oktober, 04:57 hasseb123 |
Client-sideHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash and other client-side technologies |
17 | 91 |
loading css and js files more... 1. Februar, 06:47 singh336 |
Graphics and designGraphic / UI / UX and other design related |
10 | 70 |
What are the best web desigin... 21. August, 09:25 aiwass |
JobsJob Offers and Applications |
16 | 50 |
ТЗ подключение эквайринга 22. März, 21:03 Macik |
BazaarBuy cheap, sell more! |
9 | 43 |
Cotonti professional needed 7. Februar, 14:06 echidna |
Unrelated | Themen | Beiträge | Letzter Beitrag | |
OfftopicCompletely Unrelated! |
102 | 708 |
Авторазборки белорусские. 10. April, 18:37 Kort |
National | Themen | Beiträge | Letzter Beitrag | |
RussianDiscussions in Russian |
2244 | 20543 |
Cotonti 0.9.25 17. Januar, 10:26 Alex300 |
TurkishDiscussions in Turkish |
121 | 638 |
colonti yeni sürüm nezaman ge... 22. August, 12:54 Kaan |
DutchDiscussions in Dutch |
14 | 92 |
Zijn er nog Nederlanders? 11. November, 09:25 Pimenta |
SwedishDiscussions in Swedish |
1 | 18 |
Cotonti på svenska 19. November, 18:25 Trustmaster |
DeutschAllgemeines Cotonti-Schwätzchen auf Deutsch |
8 | 36 |
[Testing] Sprachpaket für Siena! 13. Juli, 08:34 schulle4u |