Foren / Cotonti / Skins / Sed Dark?

young mone
#1 22. Mai 2011, 21:06

how would i get it to wokr with the newsest version of cotonti? 

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#2 23. Mai 2011, 06:21

You need to convert it to Siena.

Copy all cotonti parts from Nemesis to the Sed-Dark. It is a lot of copy-past work.

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#3 23. Mai 2011, 14:00

Uh, don't you mean copy all TAGS to the sed skin?

Or is there more to it? To the skinning of 0.9 serie? Did I miss something?

Now we are on that subject..

What is the whole idea behind the 0.9 series? Is that just testing for you guys and will features eventually appear in the 0.6?
Or must everybidy eventually convert to 0.9?

Didn't really anything about that on the forums or pages, only stuff about skinning and creating plugins..

#4 23. Mai 2011, 14:44

- More or less copy all tags, and ADD new tags.
- Also skin-tags changes

I thought:
- 0.6 will stop getting new features when it is stable. Only bugs will be fixed.
- 0.9 will be the successor, but 0.6 will still be supported (Like a new windows version, you don't need to upgrade, but you don't have the new features)


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