Foren / Cotonti / Extensions / Support / Comments in plugin Siena how ?!

How to use comments in plugin Siena

#42335 12. November 2016, 01:49

Unfortunately to date the developer documentation for the rapid implantation plugin comments in their plug-ins do not have. But do not despair if you have programming skills then I think to understand and implement comments in your plugin you should get. To get started, try to insert the code in your plugin example super_plug

require_once cot_incfile('comments', 'plug');
	'SUPER_PLUG_COMMENTS' => cot_comments_link('super_plug', $pageurl_params, 'super_plug', $row['super_plug_id'], $row['super_plug_cat'], $row),
	'SUPER_PLUG_COMMENTS_DISPLAY' => cot_comments_display('super_plug', $row['super_plug_id'], $row['super_plug_cat']),
	'SUPER_PLUG_COMMENTS_COUNT' => cot_comments_count('super_plug', $row['super_plug_id'], $row),
	'SUPER_PLUG_COMMENTS_RSS' => cot_url('rss', 'm=comments&id=' . $row['super_plug_id'])

And use php_doc info for comments plugin for more understanding of the code and parameters used in call functions. 

Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Dayver (am 12. November 2016, 01:54, vor 7 Jahre) bearbeitet