Foren / Cotonti / Skins / Blogster theme

A free responsive theme for Siena

#36673 2. Januar 2013, 00:17
#36671 Trustmaster:

It looks very promising and supporting multiple devices is a 100% hit for 2013.

I'm wondering what the best solution is for providing users with an option to switch between desktop and mobile mode.

Currently the responsive design simply adjusts to the width of the screen that it's being displayed on. This works fine for most pages.
However some pages, for example a forum index, can be rather annoying to view in mobile mode as it contains so much information in width (table with topic title, views, last post, etc.) that it's just not efficient to view it vertically. It would be nice to provide the end-user with an option to switch back to a wider desktop version.

Does anyone have a neat trick for such a feature?