Foren / Cotonti / Skins / Bootstrap admin theme

A custom admin theme based on Twitter Bootstrap

#34338 17. Mai 2012, 09:22

Please add Sort/Filter options to Extensions main view. Here is the extract from the default admin.extensions.tpl:

<div class="block button-toolbar">
	<a class="button large <!-- IF {ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_SORT_ALP_SEL} -->special<!-- ENDIF -->" href="{ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_SORT_ALP_URL}">{PHP.L.adm_sort_alphabet}</a>
	<a class="button large <!-- IF {ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_SORT_CAT_SEL} -->special<!-- ENDIF -->" href="{ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_SORT_CAT_URL}">{PHP.L.adm_sort_category}</a>
	<a class="button large <!-- IF {ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_ONLY_INSTALLED_SEL} -->special<!-- ENDIF -->" href="{ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_ONLY_INSTALLED_URL}">{PHP.L.adm_only_installed}</a>
	<a href="{ADMIN_EXTENSIONS_HOOKS_URL}" class="button large">{PHP.L.Hooks}</a>
May the Source be with you!