Foren / Craftwork / Client-side / ANT deploy script

#1243 15. Oktober 2008, 07:42
Hi guys!
Its been a while since I posted here...

Im currently working on ANT script for FTP deployment of my web projects.
With ANT I was able to make this whole process fully automated.
Heres some features of my script:

- uses SVN Kit to export latest changes from working copy within a given revision range.
By default this is: -r HEAD-1:HEAD
This export contains recently modified files only - not the whole repository ;)

- Can compress "on the fly" *.css and *.js files through yuicompressor.jar package

- With help of WinSCP it can connect to FTP server. First it makes a zip archive of all files that will be deleted/replaced, then automatically deploy new files to the server.

Well, in short this is how it works. All I need to do now, is open console window and type "ant" - without quotes, LOL :))

Why I write this? Well, I was hoping to find here someone like me, who is interested in building scripts for ANT. Maybe we can use Ant to build release / upgrade packages for Cotonti?

btw. this is the whole script:
I included all external JARs except WinSCP and Ant itself - these should be installed separately.
Perl - the only language that looks the same before and after RSA encryption.

Dieser Beitrag wurde von Orkan (am 15. Oktober 2008, 08:01, vor 15 Jahre) bearbeitet