Seditio-N 0.0.1 Overview

First of all, this release is based on SEDITIO v125 BETA 3. Considering Olivier C. has only done (except marking some critical and important bugs "Kept for later") the bug fixing while people were testing the BETA version, we can say that you can trust this release, not only as much as you rely on Seditio's latest beta and the previous stable release, even more.

Our goal here was, with this very first release of Seditio-N/Cotonti (N 0.0.1), to eliminate existing bugs, giving more flexibility (providing much more options) to the system and plugins, and also making the enhancements people had been waiting for a long time, not only they believed it was gonna come with 125, the enhancements have been talked maybe since the Seditio's first release.

At this point, we don't want to be presumptuous, we are not assertive at all, but "Cotonti" is a result of a lack of all above, so not mentioning what forced us to act would be inappropriate.

We have closed 53 tickets in Trac, but these are only reported bugs, there are some bugs and enhancements that have been done without a mention, just done. Also there is a rich pack of plugins which are compatible with this release.

You can see a very detailed list from here:

Here, all below are only major bug fixes and enhancements' list:

Manage your system: Option to enable/disable count comments near the comment icon, option to enable/disable default JS Framework, option to enable/disable counting moderator and administrators on the hit counter for pages, some plugin configuration features, ability to decide download rights (Members only)...

Bbcodes: Before Seditio-N, if you wanted to add something to Bbcodes, you needed to open functions.php and hack to core code. But with new modernized BBcode system, you can do all you want from Administration panel, so to speak if you wantto hide links from your guests, it will take to prepare that like 30 seconds, or if you want to add new Video service, it's 1 min job...

Javascript Framework: Seditio had no default JS Framework before. Javascript and AJAX is a must have for a CMS in XXI century! JQuery is not very dominant in the first release, but this will evolve. By the way, JQuery is a framework used by internet and technology corporations and blog systems like Google, digg, mozilla, Wordpress.

A better text editor: With JQuery, we have now lightweight text editor, markItUp! It is bundled and available for quick install, as an alternative and modern editor. It comes with handful of extended bbcodes and AJAX preview.

Subforums: Based on Spartan's hack, it has been revised, improved and integrated as a standard core feature.

Moved folders: Some images, which are not the part of the core, was in the system folders, but now, they're all in images folder, which is better and easy to manage.

Multisite support: Configurable plugins and system directories let you share code base among many sites hosted on one physical/virtual server. And this feature will be improved in next release.

Recent items plugin: This plugin was not exactly seperated yet, but splitted in two parts. Standard recent items plugin with enhancements, and another plugin recentpolls, which is based on AJAX.

Country auto-selection: GEO-IP feature, locating your country while registration process and saving you time.

Internationalization: New words, some missing words and words cannot be changed from language files, are now fully accesible. Added Russian localization in UTF-8 (former was CP1251).

Unicode: proper Unicode support by the core and plugins out of the box via Mbstring.

And lots and lots of fixes and enhancements...

Thanks everybody contributed by reporting, fixing, developing.

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