Форуми / Cotonti / Support / Trying to update from Genoa, red fatal errors big time.



#1 23.11.2013 21:27

Thank you for taking the time to help me.


I am trying to update our Genoa website to Siena. We had Genoa 6.2 I believe...


I dropped the new Siena files over the Genoa installation...


Then install came I entered all information and after that I have many many errors.

2013-11-23 21:46

SQL error 42S21: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'c_realm'

#0  cot_diefatal(SQL error 42S21: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'c_realm') called at [/home/www/streetlegalmods.com/system/database.php:568]
#1  CotDB->query(ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD COLUMN `c_realm` varchar(80) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default 'cot') called at [/home/www/streetlegalmods.com/system/database.php:510]
#2  CotDB->runScript(/* r1016 split conf parametrs from page section to structure section */
UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'structure' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'page' AND `config_name` = 'maxrowsperpage' LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'structure' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'page' AND `config_name` = 'maxlistsperpage' LIMIT 1 ;

/* r1027 delete plug passrecover & add email config */
DELETE FROM `cot_auth` WHERE `auth_code` = 'plug' AND `auth_option` = 'passrecover' LIMIT 6;
DELETE FROM `cot_plugins` WHERE `pl_code` = 'passrecover' LIMIT 1;

/* r1035 delete plug adminqv */
DELETE FROM `cot_auth` WHERE `auth_code` = 'plug' AND `auth_option` = 'adminqv' LIMIT 6;
DELETE FROM `cot_plugins` WHERE `pl_code` = 'adminqv' LIMIT 1;

INSERT INTO `cot_auth` (`auth_id`, `auth_groupid`, `auth_code`, `auth_option`, `auth_rights`, `auth_rights_lock`, `auth_setbyuserid`) VALUES
(NULL, 1, 'structure', 'a', 0, 255, 1),
(NULL, 2, 'structure', 'a', 0, 255, 1),
(NULL, 3, 'structure', 'a', 0, 255, 1),
(NULL, 4, 'structure', 'a', 0, 255, 1),
(NULL, 5, 'structure', 'a', 255, 255, 1),
(NULL, 6, 'structure', 'a', 1, 0, 1);

INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_text`) VALUES
('core', 'main', '13', 'disableactivitystats', 3, '0', '', ''),
('core', 'main', '14', 'disabledbstats', 3, '0', '', '');

/* r1036 delete plug passrec */
UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_order` = '18' WHERE `config_name` = 'title_header' AND `config_order` = '17' LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_order` = '19' WHERE `config_name` = 'title_header' AND `config_order` = '18' LIMIT 1 ;

INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_text`) VALUES
('core', 'title', '17', 'title_users_pasrec', 1, '{PASSRECOVER}', '', '');

/* r1049 Countries update fix */
UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_country` = 'tl' WHERE `user_country` = 'tp';
UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_country` = 'gb' WHERE `user_country` IN ('en', 'sx', 'uk', 'wa');
UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_country` = '00' WHERE `user_country` IN ('eu', 'yi');
UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_country` = 'rs' WHERE `user_country` = 'kv';
UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_country` = 'cd' WHERE `user_country` = 'zr';

/* r1062-1065 Cache tables update */
ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` MODIFY `c_name` varchar(120) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD COLUMN `c_realm` varchar(80) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default 'cot';
ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`c_name`, `c_realm`);
ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD KEY (`c_realm`);
ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD KEY (`c_name`);
ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD KEY (`c_expire`);

CREATE TABLE `cot_cache_bindings` (
  `c_event` VARCHAR(80) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `c_id` VARCHAR(120) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `c_realm` VARCHAR(80) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'cot',
  PRIMARY KEY (`c_event`, `c_id`, `c_realm`)

/* r1068 Cache configuration */
DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE config_cat = 'main' AND config_name = 'cache';

UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_cat = 'performance' WHERE config_name = 'gzip' OR config_name = 'disablehitstats'
	OR config_name = 'disableactivitystats' OR config_name = 'disabledbstats';

INSERT INTO `cot_config` (config_owner, config_cat, config_order, config_name, config_type, config_value, config_default, config_text) VALUES
('core', 'performance', '20', 'hit_precision', 2, '100', '10,100,1000', 'Optimized hit counter precision');

/* r1093 Some changes in PM for economy sql space */

ALTER TABLE `cot_pm` ADD COLUMN `pm_fromstate` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0';
ALTER TABLE `cot_pm` ADD COLUMN `pm_tostate` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0';

UPDATE `cot_pm` SET `pm_tostate`='1'  WHERE `pm_state` = '1';
UPDATE `cot_pm` SET `pm_tostate`='2'  WHERE `pm_state` = '2';

DELETE FROM `cot_pm` WHERE `pm_state` = '3';

ALTER TABLE `cot_pm` DROP `pm_state`;

/* r1102 Moving information from cot_configmap() to cot_config, core and plug unification */
ALTER TABLE `cot_config` ADD COLUMN config_variants varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default '';

UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disable_comments';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'countcomments';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'expand_comments';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '15', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maxcommentsperpage';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '0,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'commentsize';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'hideprivateforums';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '20', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,50' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'hottopictrigger';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '30', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maxtopicsperpage';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'antibumpforums';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'mergeforumposts';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '0,1,2,3,6,12,24,36,48,72' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'mergetimeout';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'usesingleposturls';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '15', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maxpostsperpage';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'forcedefaultlang';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'admin@mysite.com', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'adminemail';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'clustermode';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '999.999.999.999', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'hostip';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'cache';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'devmode';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maintenance';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maintenancereason';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'cookiedomain';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'cookiepath';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '5184000', config_variants = '1800,3600,7200,14400,28800,43200,86400,172800,259200,604800,1296000,2592000,5184000' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'cookielifetime';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disabledbstats';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'shieldenabled';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '100', config_variants = '10,25,50,75,100,125,150,200,300,400,600,800' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'shieldtadjust';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '25', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,100' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'shieldzhammer';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'redirbkonlogin';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'redirbkonlogout';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'jquery';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'turnajax';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'topline';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'banner';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'bottomline';
UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '

', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'menu1'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'menu2'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'menu3'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'menu4'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'menu5'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'menu6'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'menu7'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'menu8'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'menu9'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'freetext1'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'freetext2'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'freetext3'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'freetext4'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'freetext5'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'freetext6'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'freetext7'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'freetext8'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'freetext9'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disable_page'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'allowphp_pages'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'count_admin'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'autovalidate'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'parser_cache'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'parser_custom'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'parser_disable'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'parsebbcodeusertext'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'parsebbcodecom'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'parsebbcodeforums'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'parsebbcodepages'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'parsesmiliesusertext'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'parsesmiliescom'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'parsesmiliesforums'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'parsesmiliespages'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'gzip'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disablehitstats'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disableactivitystats'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disabledbstats'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '100', config_variants = '10,100,1000' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'hit_precision'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disable_pfs'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'pfsuserfolder'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'pfstimename'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'pfsfilecheck'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'pfsnomimepass'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'flashupload'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'GD2', config_variants = 'Disabled,GD1,GD2' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'th_amode'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '112', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'th_x'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '84', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'th_y'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '4', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'th_border'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'Width', config_variants = 'Width,Height' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'th_dimpriority'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'th_keepratio'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '85', config_variants = '0,5,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,75,80,85,90,95,100' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'th_jpeg_quality'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '000000', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'th_colorbg'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'FFFFFF', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'th_colortext'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '0,1,2,3,4,5' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'th_textsize'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '15', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maxpfsperpage'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'pfs_winclose'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disable_plug'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disable_pm'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '10000', config_variants = '200,500,1000,2000,5000,10000,15000,20000,30000,50000,65000' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'pm_maxsize'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'pm_allownotifications'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '15', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maxpmperpage'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disable_polls'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'ip', config_variants = 'ip,id' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'ip_id_polls'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '100', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'max_options_polls'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'del_dup_options'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disable_ratings'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'ratings_allowchange'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disable_rss'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '30', config_variants = '0,10,20,30,40,50,60,120,180,140,200' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'rss_timetolive'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '40', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,60,70,75,80,90,100,150,200' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'rss_maxitems'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'UTF-8', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'rss_charset'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'rss_pagemaxsymbols'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'rss_commentmaxsymbols'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'rss_postmaxsymbols'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'forcedefaultskin'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '4', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'doctypeid'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'UTF-8', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'charset'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'metakeywords'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '/', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'separator'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disablesysinfos'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'keepcrbottom'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'showsqlstats'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'homebreadcrumb'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '15', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maxrowsperpage'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '15', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maxlistsperpage'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'Y-m-d H:i', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'dateformat'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'm-d', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'formatmonthday'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'Y-m-d', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'formatyearmonthday'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'm-d H:i', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'formatmonthdayhourmin'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'servertimezone'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'defaulttimezone'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1200', config_variants = '30,60,120,300,600,900,1200,1800,2400,3600' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'timedout'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'Title of your site', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maintitle'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'Subtitle', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'subtitle'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{FORUM}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_forum_main'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{FORUM} - {SECTION}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_forum_topics'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{FORUM} - {TITLE}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_forum_posts'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{FORUM} - {SECTION}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_forum_newtopic'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{FORUM} - {SECTION}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_forum_editpost'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{TITLE}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_list'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{TITLE}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_page'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{PFS}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_pfs'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{PM}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_pm_main'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{PM}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_pm_send'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{USERS}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_users_main'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{USER} - {NAME}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_users_details'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{PROFILE}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_users_profile'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{NAME}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_users_edit'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{PASSRECOVER}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_users_pasrec'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{MAINTITLE} - {SUBTITLE}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_header'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '{MAINTITLE} - {DESCRIPTION}', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'title_header_index'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '7', config_variants = '0,1,2,3,4,5,7,10,15,20,30,45,60,90,120' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'trash_prunedelay'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'trash_comment'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'trash_forum'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'trash_page'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'trash_pm'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '1', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'trash_user'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disablereg'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'disablewhosonline'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '50', config_variants = '5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'maxusersperpage'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'regrequireadmin'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'regnoactivation'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'useremailchange'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'user_email_noprotection'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'usertextimg'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '8000', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'av_maxsize'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '64', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'av_maxx'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '64', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'av_maxy'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '300', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'usertextmax'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '32000', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'sig_maxsize'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '550', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'sig_maxx'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '100', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'sig_maxy'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '32000', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'ph_maxsize'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '128', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'ph_maxx'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '128', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'ph_maxy'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'Real name', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra1title'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = 'Title', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra2title'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra3title'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra4title'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra5title'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra6title'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra7title'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra8title'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra9title'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '255', config_variants = '0,1,8,16,32,64,128,255' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra1tsetting'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '255', config_variants = '0,1,8,16,32,64,128,255' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra2tsetting'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '255', config_variants = '0,1,8,16,32,64,128,255' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra3tsetting'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '255', config_variants = '0,1,8,16,32,64,128,255' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra4tsetting'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '255', config_variants = '0,1,8,16,32,64,128,255' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra5tsetting'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra6tsetting'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra7tsetting'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra8tsetting'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra9tsetting'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra1uchange'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra2uchange'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra3uchange'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra4uchange'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra5uchange'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra6uchange'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra7uchange'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra8uchange'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_default = '0', config_variants = '' WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_name = 'extra9uchange'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET config_variants = config_default, config_default = config_value WHERE config_owner = 'plug'; /* r1105 New versioning for automatic updater */ CREATE TABLE `cot_updates` ( `upd_param` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `upd_value` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`upd_param`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; INSERT INTO `cot_updates` (`upd_param`, `upd_value`) VALUES ('revision', '$Rev$'); /* r1112 More updater requirements */ INSERT INTO `cot_updates` (`upd_param`, `upd_value`) VALUES ('branch', 'siena'); /* r1134 Modify icon paths to match new structure */ UPDATE `cot_forum_sections` SET `fs_icon` = 'images/icons/default/forums.png' WHERE `fs_icon` = 'images/admin/forums.gif'; /* r1152 Remove comments system and config from core to plugin */ DELETE FROM `cot_auth` WHERE auth_code = 'comments'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_cat = 'comments'; DELETE FROM `cot_core` WHERE ct_code = 'comments'; DELETE FROM `cot_core` WHERE ct_code = 'plug'; DELETE FROM `cot_core` WHERE ct_code = 'ratings'; DELETE FROM `cot_core` WHERE ct_code = 'trash'; /* r1164 Update settings from search plugin */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE config_owner = 'plug' AND config_cat = 'search' AND config_name = 'maxitems_ext'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE config_owner = 'plug' AND config_cat = 'search' AND config_name = 'showtext_ext'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE config_owner = 'plug' AND config_cat = 'search' AND config_name = 'showtext'; INSERT INTO `cot_config` VALUES ('plug', 'search', '5', 'pagesearch', 3, '1', '1', '', 'Enable pages search'); INSERT INTO `cot_config` VALUES ('plug', 'search', '6', 'forumsearch', 3, '1', '1', '', 'Enable forums search'); /* r1168 Delete plugin comedit */ DELETE FROM `cot_auth` WHERE auth_code = 'comedit'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE config_cat = 'comedit'; DELETE FROM `cot_plugins` WHERE `pl_code` = 'comedit'; TRUNCATE `cot_cache`; /* r1169 a fix for config options type */ UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_type` = 1 WHERE `config_name` IN ('th_x', 'th_y', 'th_border', 'th_colorbg', 'th_colortext', 'av_maxsize', 'av_maxx', 'av_maxy', 'usertextmax', 'sig_maxsize', 'sig_maxx', 'sig_maxy', 'ph_maxsize', 'ph_maxx', 'ph_maxy'); /* r1195 Error message output control */ INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_variants`, `config_text`) VALUES ('core','skin','21','msg_separate',3,'0','0','','Show messages separately for each source'); /* r1252 Plugin extension */ ALTER TABLE `cot_plugins` ADD COLUMN `pl_module` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; /* r1252 Obsolete entries removal */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_cat = 'skin' AND config_name = 'doctypeid'; /* r1266 Things that have been forgotten previously */ /* r1293 new options for extrafields */ ALTER TABLE `cot_extra_fields` ADD COLUMN `field_default` text collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `cot_extra_fields` ADD COLUMN `field_required` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0'; ALTER TABLE `cot_extra_fields` ADD COLUMN `field_parse` varchar(32) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default 'HTML'; UPDATE `cot_extra_fields` SET field_html = '{$error}' WHERE field_html LIKE '%type="text"%'; UPDATE `cot_extra_fields` SET field_html = '{$error}' WHERE field_html LIKE '%textarea%'; UPDATE `cot_extra_fields` SET field_html = '{$options}{$error}' WHERE field_html LIKE '%select%'; UPDATE `cot_extra_fields` SET field_html = ' {$title}' WHERE field_html LIKE '%type="checkbox"%'; UPDATE `cot_extra_fields` SET field_html = ' {$title}' WHERE field_html LIKE '%type="radio"%'; /* r1297 Index polls sql delete and extrafields upd */ UPDATE `cot_extra_fields` SET field_location = 'sed_users' WHERE field_location = 'users'; UPDATE `cot_extra_fields` SET field_location = 'sed_pages' WHERE field_location = 'pages'; DELETE FROM `cot_auth` WHERE auth_option = 'indexpolls'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE config_cat = 'indexpolls'; DELETE FROM `cot_plugins` WHERE pl_code = 'indexpolls'; /* r1306 Move user_msn user_icq to extrafields */ INSERT INTO `cot_extra_fields` (`field_location`, `field_name`, `field_type`, `field_html`, `field_variants`, `field_default`, `field_required`, `field_parse`, `field_description`) VALUES ('sed_users', 'icq', 'input', '{$error}', '', '', 0, 'Text', ''), ('sed_users', 'msn', 'input', '{$error}', '', '', 0, 'Text', ''), ('sed_users', 'irc', 'input', '{$error}', '', '', 0, 'Text', ''), ('sed_users', 'website', 'input', '{$error}', '', '', 0, 'Text', ''), ('sed_users', 'location', 'input', '{$error}', '', '', 0, 'Text', ''), ('sed_users', 'occupation', 'input', '{$error}', '', '', 0, 'Text', ''); /* r1311 charset option is obsolete */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'skin' AND `config_name` = 'charset'; /* r1326 Enable Users display for Guests by default */ UPDATE `cot_auth` SET auth_rights = 1 WHERE auth_groupid = 1 AND auth_code = 'users' AND auth_option = 'a'; /* r1329 Skins => Tehemes, Themes => Color Schemes */ ALTER TABLE `cot_users` CHANGE COLUMN `user_theme` `user_scheme` varchar(32) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE `cot_users` CHANGE COLUMN `user_skin` `user_theme` varchar(32) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'theme' WHERE `config_cat` = 'skin'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_name` = 'forcedefaulttheme' WHERE `config_name` = 'forcedefaultskin'; /* r1337 prefix change */ UPDATE `cot_bbcode` SET `bbc_replacement` = 'return cot_obfuscate(''''.$input[2].'''');' WHERE `bbc_name` = 'email'; UPDATE `cot_bbcode` SET `bbc_replacement` = 'return ''


'';' WHERE `bbc_name` = 'code'; /* (r1359) Forums icon fix */ UPDATE `cot_forum_sections` SET `fs_icon` = 'images/icons/default/forums.png' WHERE `fs_icon` = 'system/admin/tpl/img/forums.png'; /* r1370 Remove obsolete parser configs */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'parser'; /* r1374 Remove trashcan options and trashcan table*/ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'trash'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cot_trash`; /* r1446 JS/CSS consolidator settings */ INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_variants`, `config_text`) VALUES ('core','performance','21','headrc_consolidate',3,'0','0','',''), ('core','performance','22','headrc_minify',3,'1','1','',''), ('core','performance','23','jquery_cdn',3,'0','0','',''), ('core','performance','24','theme_consolidate',3,'0','0','',''); /* r1447 structure change */ ALTER TABLE `cot_structure` ADD COLUMN `structure_area` varchar(64) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; UPDATE `cot_structure` SET `structure_area` = 'page' WHERE 1; /* r1458 structure change */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND (`config_name` = 'disablehitstats' OR `config_name` = 'hit_precision' OR `config_name` = 'disableactivitystats' OR `config_name` = 'disabledbstats'); ALTER TABLE `cot_structure` ADD COLUMN `structure_locked` tinyint NOT NULL default '0'; ALTER TABLE `cot_structure` DROP `structure_group`; INSERT INTO `cot_plugins` (`pl_hook` , `pl_code` , `pl_part` , `pl_title` , `pl_file` , `pl_order` , `pl_active` , `pl_module` ) VALUES ('admin.structure.first', 'page', 'structure', 'Page', './modules/page/page.structure.php', '10', '1', '1'); /* r1461 structure change */ ALTER TABLE `cot_structure` CHANGE COLUMN `structure_pagecount` `structure_count` mediumint NOT NULL default '0'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'main', `config_order`= '99' WHERE `config_owner`= 'core' AND `config_cat`= 'structure' AND `config_name`= 'maxrowsperpage' LIMIT 1 ; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_owner`= 'module', `config_cat` = 'page' WHERE `config_owner`= 'core' AND `config_cat`= 'structure' AND `config_name`= 'maxlistsperpage' LIMIT 1 ; INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_variants`, `config_text`) VALUES ('module','page','05','maxrowsperpage',2,'15','15','5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70,100,200,500',''); /* r1463 Config options for structure categories */ ALTER TABLE `cot_config` ADD COLUMN `config_subcat` varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE `cot_config` ADD KEY (`config_owner`, `config_cat`); ALTER TABLE `cot_config` ADD KEY (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_name`); ALTER TABLE `cot_structure` DROP COLUMN `structure_ratings`; ALTER TABLE `cot_structure` ADD KEY (`structure_code`); /* r1473 */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cot_forum_stats` ( `fs_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `fs_code` varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default '', `fs_lt_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `fs_lt_title` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `fs_lt_date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `fs_lt_posterid` int(11) NOT NULL default '-1', `fs_lt_postername` varchar(100) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `fs_topiccount` mediumint(8) NOT NULL default '0', `fs_topiccount_pruned` int(11) default '0', `fs_postcount` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `fs_postcount_pruned` int(11) default '0', `fs_viewcount` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`fs_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; TRUNCATE TABLE `cot_cache`; /* r1486 forums section renamed to cat*/ ALTER TABLE `cot_forum_posts` CHANGE COLUMN `fp_sectionid` `fp_cat` varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE `cot_forum_topics` CHANGE COLUMN `ft_sectionid` `ft_cat` varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE `cot_forum_topics` CHANGE COLUMN `ft_movedto` `ft_movedto` varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE `cot_forum_stats` CHANGE COLUMN `fs_code` `fs_cat` varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE `cot_forum_stats` DROP `fs_topiccount_pruned`; ALTER TABLE `cot_forum_stats` DROP `fs_postcount_pruned`; ALTER TABLE `cot_forum_posts` ADD KEY (`fp_cat`); ALTER TABLE `cot_forum_topics` ADD KEY (`ft_cat`); DELETE FROM `cot_plugins` WHERE `pl_code` = 'forums' AND `pl_hook` = 'admin'; /* r1514 Remove obsolete configuration fields for avatar/photo/signature */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'av_maxsize'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'av_maxx'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'av_maxy'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'ph_maxsize'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'ph_maxx'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'ph_maxy'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'sig_maxsize'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'sig_maxx'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'sig_maxy'; /* r1572 Remove SMTP email settings and leave it up to plugins */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'email'; /* r1592 Ratings tables update */ ALTER TABLE `cot_ratings` ADD COLUMN `rating_area` varchar(64) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE `cot_ratings` MODIFY `rating_code` varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE `cot_rated` ADD COLUMN `rated_area` varchar(64) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE `cot_rated` MODIFY `rated_code` varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; /* r1601 Pagination tweaks */ INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_variants`, `config_text`) VALUES ('core','main','44','easypagenav',3,'1','1','',''); UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_type` = 1 WHERE `config_name` IN ('maxrowsperpage', 'maxusersperpage'); /* r1620 Remove unused options */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'performance' AND `config_name` = 'theme_consolidate'; /* 0.8.3 (r1686) Forums stats change primary key */ ALTER TABLE `cot_forum_stats` DROP `fs_id`; ALTER TABLE `cot_forum_stats` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`fs_cat`); /* r1773 Correct movedto value for forum topics */ UPDATE `cot_forum_topics` SET `ft_movedto` = '' WHERE `ft_movedto` = '0'; /* r1796 Comments and ratings migration */ ALTER TABLE `cot_com` ADD COLUMN `com_area` varchar(64) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; ALTER TABLE `cot_com` MODIFY `com_code` varchar(255) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; UPDATE `cot_com` SET `com_area` = 'page' WHERE `com_code` LIKE 'p%'; UPDATE `cot_com` SET `com_area` = 'polls' WHERE `com_code` LIKE 'v%'; UPDATE `cot_com` SET `com_area` = 'gal' WHERE `com_code` LIKE 'g%'; UPDATE `cot_com` SET `com_area` = 'users' WHERE `com_code` LIKE 'u%'; UPDATE `cot_com` SET `com_area` = 'showcase' WHERE `com_code` LIKE 'sc%'; UPDATE `cot_com` SET `com_code` = SUBSTRING(`com_code`, 3) WHERE `com_area` = 'showcase'; UPDATE `cot_com` SET `com_code` = SUBSTRING(`com_code`, 2) WHERE `com_area` != ''; UPDATE `cot_ratings` SET `rating_area` = 'page' WHERE `rating_code` LIKE 'p%'; UPDATE `cot_ratings` SET `rating_area` = 'polls' WHERE `rating_code` LIKE 'v%'; UPDATE `cot_ratings` SET `rating_area` = 'gal' WHERE `rating_code` LIKE 'g%'; UPDATE `cot_ratings` SET `rating_area` = 'users' WHERE `rating_code` LIKE 'u%'; UPDATE `cot_ratings` SET `rating_area` = 'showcase' WHERE `rating_code` LIKE 'sc%'; UPDATE `cot_ratings` SET `rating_code` = SUBSTRING(`rating_code`, 3) WHERE `rating_area` = 'showcase'; UPDATE `cot_ratings` SET `rating_code` = SUBSTRING(`rating_code`, 2) WHERE `rating_area` != ''; UPDATE `cot_rated` SET `rated_area` = 'page' WHERE `rated_code` LIKE 'p%'; UPDATE `cot_rated` SET `rated_area` = 'polls' WHERE `rated_code` LIKE 'v%'; UPDATE `cot_rated` SET `rated_area` = 'gal' WHERE `rated_code` LIKE 'g%'; UPDATE `cot_rated` SET `rated_area` = 'users' WHERE `rated_code` LIKE 'u%'; UPDATE `cot_rated` SET `rated_area` = 'showcase' WHERE `rated_code` LIKE 'sc%'; UPDATE `cot_rated` SET `rated_code` = SUBSTRING(`rated_code`, 3) WHERE `rated_area` = 'showcase'; UPDATE `cot_rated` SET `rated_code` = SUBSTRING(`rated_code`, 2) WHERE `rated_area` != ''; /* r1936 config_donor field required for safe handling of ext-to-ext config implantations */ ALTER TABLE `cot_config` ADD COLUMN `config_donor` varchar(64) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default ''; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_donor` = 'comments' WHERE `config_owner` = 'module' AND `config_cat` IN('page', 'polls') AND `config_name` = 'enable_comments'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_donor` = 'ratings' WHERE `config_owner` = 'module' AND `config_cat` = 'page' AND `config_name` = 'enable_ratings'; /* r1971 Configuration cleanup */ UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'users' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_name` = 'timedout'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'locale' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_name` IN ('forcedefaultlang', 'defaulttimezone'); DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` IN ('lang', 'time'); UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_type` = 1, `config_value` = '', `config_default` = '' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_name` = 'jquery_cdn'; /* r1972 title configs cleanup */ UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'title' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_name` = 'metakeywords'; DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_name` IN ('title_forum_main', 'title_forum_topics', 'title_forum_posts', 'title_forum_newtopic', 'title_forum_editpost', 'title_list', 'title_page', 'title_pfs', 'title_pm_main', 'title_pm_send', 'title_users_main', 'title_users_profile', 'title_users_edit', 'title_users_pasrec'); /* r2099 mail header configs and add 2 extracolumns for exrafields */ INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_variants`, `config_text`) VALUES ('core','title','98','subject_mail',1,'{SITE_TITLE} - {MAIL_SUBJECT}','{SITE_TITLE} - {MAIL_SUBJECT}','',''), ('core','title','99','body_mail',0,'{MAIL_BODY}\n\n{SITE_TITLE} - {SITE_URL}\n{SITE_DESCRIPTION}','{MAIL_BODY}\n\n{SITE_TITLE} - {SITE_URL}\n{SITE_DESCRIPTION}','',''); ALTER TABLE `cot_extra_fields` ADD COLUMN `field_params` text collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `cot_extra_fields` ADD COLUMN `field_enabled` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1'; UPDATE `cot_extra_fields` SET `field_enabled` = '1' WHERE 1; /* r2145 Editor/parser choice options */ INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_variants`, `config_text`) VALUES ('core','main','31','parser',4,'none','none','cot_get_parsers()',''); /* r2150 remove obsolete configuration options */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` IN ('forums', 'page', 'pfs', 'pm', 'polls'); /* r2150 Patch for old regexp with sed_bbcode_cdata calls */ UPDATE `cot_bbcode` SET `bbc_replacement` = REPLACE(`bbc_replacement`, 'sed_bbcode_cdata', 'cot_bbcode_cdata') WHERE `bbc_replacement` LIKE '%sed_%'; /* 0.9.4-001 Remove obsolete option */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'locale' AND `config_name` = 'servertimezone'; /* 0.9.4-002 Moving users from core to module */ UPDATE `cot_core` SET `ct_lock` = 0 WHERE `ct_code` = 'users'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_owner` = 'module' WHERE `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` NOT IN('disablewhosonline', 'usertextimg', 'forcerememberme', 'timedout'); INSERT INTO `cot_plugins` (pl_hook, pl_code, pl_part, pl_title, pl_file, pl_module) VALUES ('module', 'users', 'main', 'Users', 'users/users.php', 1); /* 0.9.5-01: confirmlinks config option */ INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_variants`, `config_text`) VALUES ('core','main','45','confirmlinks',3,'1','1','',''); /* 0.9.6-01 issue #426 rightless groups */ ALTER TABLE `cot_groups` ADD COLUMN `grp_skiprights` tinyint NOT NULL default '0'; /* 0.9.8-01 timezone bug fix */ ALTER TABLE `cot_users` MODIFY `user_timezone` decimal(3,1) NOT NULL default '0'; /* 0.9.8-02 remove obsolete plugin config */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND config_cat = 'plug'; /* 0.9.8-03 security section in configuration */ UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'security' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_name` IN('cookiedomain', 'cookiepath', 'cookielifetime', 'shieldenabled', 'shieldtadjust', 'shieldzhammer'); /* 0.9.8-04 captcha management */ INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_variants`, `config_text`) VALUES ('core','security','31','captchamain',4,'mcaptcha','mcaptcha','cot_captcha_list()',''), ('core','security','32','captcharandom',3,'0','0','',''); /* 0.9.8-05 whosonline and shield cleanup */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_name` IN ('disablewhosonline'); /* 0.9.9-02 Referer check security option */ INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_variants`, `config_text`) VALUES ('core','security','41','referercheck',3,'1','1','',''); /* 0.9.11-01 Switch to textual representation of timezones */ ALTER TABLE `cot_users` ADD `user_tz` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT 'GMT' AFTER `user_country`; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Andorra' WHERE `user_country` = 'ad' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Dubai' WHERE `user_country` = 'ae' AND `user_timezone` = 4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Kabul' WHERE `user_country` = 'af' AND `user_timezone` = 4.5; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Antigua' WHERE `user_country` = 'ag' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Anguilla' WHERE `user_country` = 'ai' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Tirane' WHERE `user_country` = 'al' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Yerevan' WHERE `user_country` = 'am' AND `user_timezone` = 4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Luanda' WHERE `user_country` = 'ao' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Antarctica/Rothera' WHERE `user_country` = 'aq' AND `user_timezone` = -3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Antarctica/Palmer' WHERE `user_country` = 'aq' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Antarctica/Syowa' WHERE `user_country` = 'aq' AND `user_timezone` = 3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Antarctica/Davis' WHERE `user_country` = 'aq' AND `user_timezone` = 5.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Antarctica/Vostok' WHERE `user_country` = 'aq' AND `user_timezone` = 6.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Antarctica/DumontDUrville' WHERE `user_country` = 'aq' AND `user_timezone` = 10.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Antarctica/Casey' WHERE `user_country` = 'aq' AND `user_timezone` = 11.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Antarctica/McMurdo' WHERE `user_country` = 'aq' AND `user_timezone` = 12.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' WHERE `user_country` = 'ar' AND `user_timezone` = -3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Pacific/Pago_Pago' WHERE `user_country` = 'as' AND `user_timezone` = -11.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Vienna' WHERE `user_country` = 'at' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Australia/Perth' WHERE `user_country` = 'au' AND `user_timezone` = 8.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Australia/Adelaide' WHERE `user_country` = 'au' AND `user_timezone` = 9.5; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Australia/Sydney' WHERE `user_country` = 'au' AND `user_timezone` = 10.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Australia/Lord_Howe' WHERE `user_country` = 'au' AND `user_timezone` = 10.5; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Aruba' WHERE `user_country` = 'aw' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Mariehamn' WHERE `user_country` = 'ax' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Baku' WHERE `user_country` = 'az' AND `user_timezone` = 4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Sarajevo' WHERE `user_country` = 'ba' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Barbados' WHERE `user_country` = 'bb' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Dhaka' WHERE `user_country` = 'bd' AND `user_timezone` = 6.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Brussels' WHERE `user_country` = 'be' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Ouagadougou' WHERE `user_country` = 'bf' AND `user_timezone` = 0.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Sofia' WHERE `user_country` = 'bg' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Bahrain' WHERE `user_country` = 'bh' AND `user_timezone` = 3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Bujumbura' WHERE `user_country` = 'bi' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Porto-Novo' WHERE `user_country` = 'bj' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/St_Barthelemy' WHERE `user_country` = 'bl' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Atlantic/Bermuda' WHERE `user_country` = 'bm' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Brunei' WHERE `user_country` = 'bn' AND `user_timezone` = 8.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/La_Paz' WHERE `user_country` = 'bo' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Kralendijk' WHERE `user_country` = 'bq' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Noronha' WHERE `user_country` = 'br' AND `user_timezone` = -2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Sao_Paulo' WHERE `user_country` = 'br' AND `user_timezone` = -3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Manaus' WHERE `user_country` = 'br' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Nassau' WHERE `user_country` = 'bs' AND `user_timezone` = -5.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Thimphu' WHERE `user_country` = 'bt' AND `user_timezone` = 6.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Gaborone' WHERE `user_country` = 'bw' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Minsk' WHERE `user_country` = 'by' AND `user_timezone` = 3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Belize' WHERE `user_country` = 'bz' AND `user_timezone` = -6.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/St_Johns' WHERE `user_country` = 'ca' AND `user_timezone` = -3.5; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Halifax' WHERE `user_country` = 'ca' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Toronto' WHERE `user_country` = 'ca' AND `user_timezone` = -5.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Winnipeg' WHERE `user_country` = 'ca' AND `user_timezone` = -6.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Edmonton' WHERE `user_country` = 'ca' AND `user_timezone` = -7.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Vancouver' WHERE `user_country` = 'ca' AND `user_timezone` = -8.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Indian/Cocos' WHERE `user_country` = 'cc' AND `user_timezone` = 6.5; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Kinshasa' WHERE `user_country` = 'cd' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Lubumbashi' WHERE `user_country` = 'cd' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Bangui' WHERE `user_country` = 'cf' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Brazzaville' WHERE `user_country` = 'cg' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Zurich' WHERE `user_country` = 'ch' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Abidjan' WHERE `user_country` = 'ci' AND `user_timezone` = 0.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Pacific/Rarotonga' WHERE `user_country` = 'ck' AND `user_timezone` = -10.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Santiago' WHERE `user_country` = 'cl' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Pacific/Easter' WHERE `user_country` = 'cl' AND `user_timezone` = -6.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Douala' WHERE `user_country` = 'cm' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Shanghai' WHERE `user_country` = 'cn' AND `user_timezone` = 8.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Bogota' WHERE `user_country` = 'co' AND `user_timezone` = -5.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Costa_Rica' WHERE `user_country` = 'cr' AND `user_timezone` = -6.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Havana' WHERE `user_country` = 'cu' AND `user_timezone` = -5.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde' WHERE `user_country` = 'cv' AND `user_timezone` = -1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Curacao' WHERE `user_country` = 'cw' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Indian/Christmas' WHERE `user_country` = 'cx' AND `user_timezone` = 7.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Nicosia' WHERE `user_country` = 'cy' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Prague' WHERE `user_country` = 'cz' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Berlin' WHERE `user_country` = 'de' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Djibouti' WHERE `user_country` = 'dj' AND `user_timezone` = 3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Copenhagen' WHERE `user_country` = 'dk' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Dominica' WHERE `user_country` = 'dm' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Santo_Domingo' WHERE `user_country` = 'do' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Algiers' WHERE `user_country` = 'dz' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Guayaquil' WHERE `user_country` = 'ec' AND `user_timezone` = -5.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Pacific/Galapagos' WHERE `user_country` = 'ec' AND `user_timezone` = -6.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Tallinn' WHERE `user_country` = 'ee' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Cairo' WHERE `user_country` = 'eg' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/El_Aaiun' WHERE `user_country` = 'eh' AND `user_timezone` = 0.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Asmara' WHERE `user_country` = 'er' AND `user_timezone` = 3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Atlantic/Canary' WHERE `user_country` = 'es' AND `user_timezone` = 0.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Madrid' WHERE `user_country` = 'es' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Addis_Ababa' WHERE `user_country` = 'et' AND `user_timezone` = 3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Helsinki' WHERE `user_country` = 'fi' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Pacific/Fiji' WHERE `user_country` = 'fj' AND `user_timezone` = 12.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Atlantic/Stanley' WHERE `user_country` = 'fk' AND `user_timezone` = -3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Pacific/Chuuk' WHERE `user_country` = 'fm' AND `user_timezone` = 10.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Pacific/Pohnpei' WHERE `user_country` = 'fm' AND `user_timezone` = 11.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Atlantic/Faroe' WHERE `user_country` = 'fo' AND `user_timezone` = 0.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Paris' WHERE `user_country` = 'fr' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Libreville' WHERE `user_country` = 'ga' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Grenada' WHERE `user_country` = 'gd' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Tbilisi' WHERE `user_country` = 'ge' AND `user_timezone` = 4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Cayenne' WHERE `user_country` = 'gf' AND `user_timezone` = -3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Guernsey' WHERE `user_country` = 'gg' AND `user_timezone` = 0.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Accra' WHERE `user_country` = 'gh' AND `user_timezone` = 0.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Gibraltar' WHERE `user_country` = 'gi' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Scoresbysund' WHERE `user_country` = 'gl' AND `user_timezone` = -1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Godthab' WHERE `user_country` = 'gl' AND `user_timezone` = -3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Thule' WHERE `user_country` = 'gl' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Danmarkshavn' WHERE `user_country` = 'gl' AND `user_timezone` = 0.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Banjul' WHERE `user_country` = 'gm' AND `user_timezone` = 0.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Conakry' WHERE `user_country` = 'gn' AND `user_timezone` = 0.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Guadeloupe' WHERE `user_country` = 'gp' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Malabo' WHERE `user_country` = 'gq' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Athens' WHERE `user_country` = 'gr' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Atlantic/South_Georgia' WHERE `user_country` = 'gs' AND `user_timezone` = -2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Guatemala' WHERE `user_country` = 'gt' AND `user_timezone` = -6.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Pacific/Guam' WHERE `user_country` = 'gu' AND `user_timezone` = 10.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Bissau' WHERE `user_country` = 'gw' AND `user_timezone` = 0.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Guyana' WHERE `user_country` = 'gy' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Hong_Kong' WHERE `user_country` = 'hk' AND `user_timezone` = 8.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Tegucigalpa' WHERE `user_country` = 'hn' AND `user_timezone` = -6.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Zagreb' WHERE `user_country` = 'hr' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Port-au-Prince' WHERE `user_country` = 'ht' AND `user_timezone` = -5.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Europe/Budapest' WHERE `user_country` = 'hu' AND `user_timezone` = 1.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Jakarta' WHERE `user_country` = 'id' AND `user_timezone` = 7.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Makassar' WHERE `user_country` = 'id' AND `user_timezone` = 8.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Jayapura' WHERE `user_country` = 'id' AND `user_timezone` = 9.0; 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UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/St_Vincent' WHERE `user_country` = 'vc' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Caracas' WHERE `user_country` = 've' AND `user_timezone` = -4.5; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/Tortola' WHERE `user_country` = 'vg' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'America/St_Thomas' WHERE `user_country` = 'vi' AND `user_timezone` = -4.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh' WHERE `user_country` = 'vn' AND `user_timezone` = 7.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Pacific/Efate' WHERE `user_country` = 'vu' AND `user_timezone` = 11.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Pacific/Wallis' WHERE `user_country` = 'wf' AND `user_timezone` = 12.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Pacific/Apia' WHERE `user_country` = 'ws' AND `user_timezone` = 13.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Asia/Aden' WHERE `user_country` = 'ye' AND `user_timezone` = 3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Indian/Mayotte' WHERE `user_country` = 'yt' AND `user_timezone` = 3.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Johannesburg' WHERE `user_country` = 'za' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Lusaka' WHERE `user_country` = 'zm' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; UPDATE `cot_users` SET `user_tz` = 'Africa/Harare' WHERE `user_country` = 'zw' AND `user_timezone` = 2.0; ALTER TABLE `cot_users` DROP `user_timezone`; ALTER TABLE `cot_users` CHANGE `user_tz` `user_timezone` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT 'GMT'; /* 0.9.11-02 Introduce singular title field for groups */ ALTER TABLE `cot_groups` ADD `grp_name` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; UPDATE `cot_groups` SET `grp_name` = `grp_title`; UPDATE `cot_groups` SET `grp_title` = 'Guest' WHERE `grp_title` = 'Guests'; UPDATE `cot_groups` SET `grp_title` = 'Member' WHERE `grp_title` = 'Members'; UPDATE `cot_groups` SET `grp_title` = 'Administrator' WHERE `grp_title` = 'Administrators'; UPDATE `cot_groups` SET `grp_title` = 'Moderator' WHERE `grp_title` = 'Moderators'; /* 0.9.11-03 Disable gzip by default */ UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_value` = '0', `config_default` = '0' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_name` = 'gzip'; /* 0.9.12-01 Relocate some configuration settings. */ UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_owner` = 'module', `config_order` = '09' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'usertextimg'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'sessions', `config_order` = '01' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'security' AND `config_name` = 'cookiedomain'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'sessions', `config_order` = '02' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'security' AND `config_name` = 'cookiepath'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'sessions', `config_order` = '03' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'security' AND `config_name` = 'cookielifetime'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'sessions', `config_order` = '04' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'forcerememberme'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'sessions', `config_order` = '05' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'users' AND `config_name` = 'timedout'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'sessions', `config_order` = '06' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'main' AND `config_name` = 'redirbkonlogin'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'sessions', `config_order` = '07' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'main' AND `config_name` = 'redirbkonlogout'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'performance', `config_order` = '05' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'main' AND `config_name` = 'jquery'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'performance', `config_order` = '06' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'main' AND `config_name` = 'turnajax'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'security', `config_order` = '97' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'main' AND `config_name` = 'devmode'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'security', `config_order` = '98' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'main' AND `config_name` = 'maintenance'; UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'security', `config_order` = '99' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'main' AND `config_name` = 'maintenancereason'; /* 0.9.13-01 remove the obsolete version/revision config */ DELETE FROM `cot_config` WHERE config_owner = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'version'; /* 0.9.14-01 update table schema for larger data sets, #981 */ ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` MODIFY `c_value` MEDIUMTEXT collate utf8_unicode_ci; ALTER TABLE `cot_users` MODIFY `user_auth` MEDIUMTEXT collate utf8_unicode_ci; /* 0.9.14-03 show only installed extensions in admin panel by default option #1009 */ INSERT INTO `cot_config` (`config_owner`, `config_cat`, `config_order`, `config_name`, `config_type`, `config_value`, `config_default`, `config_variants`, `config_text`) VALUES ('core','main','91','default_show_installed',3,'0','0','',''); /* 0.9.15-01 extend config_order size #1237 */ ALTER TABLE `cot_config` MODIFY `config_order` char(3) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default '00'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* KEEP THIS AT THE BOTTOM AND UPDATE TO THE LATEST PATCH REVISION */ UPDATE `cot_updates` SET `upd_value` = '0.9.15-01' WHERE `upd_param` = 'revision'; ) called at [/home/www/streetlegalmods.com/modules/install/inc/install.update.php:119] #3 include(/home/www/streetlegalmods.com/modules/install/inc/install.update.php) called at [/home/www/streetlegalmods.com/install.php:139]

Added 1 minutes later:

Sorry about that crazy code above, hopefully you can understand it.


Now looking at the home page, the website has installed, but the old database does not seem converted...



Added 2 minutes later:

SQL error 42S21: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'c_realm'

#0  cot_diefatal(SQL error 42S21: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'c_realm') called at [/home/www/streetlegalmods.com/system/database.php:568]
#1  CotDB->query(ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD COLUMN `c_realm` varchar(80) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL default 'cot') called at [/home/www/streetlegalmods.com/system/database.php:510]
#2  CotDB->runScript(/* r1016 split conf parametrs from page section to structure section */
UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'structure' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'page' AND `config_name` = 'maxrowsperpage' LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `cot_config` SET `config_cat` = 'structure' WHERE `config_owner` = 'core' AND `config_cat` = 'page' AND `config_name` = 'maxlistsperpa

Added 6 minutes later:

Looking at the database, I see the old database prefixes are still intact.. sed_ and the new cot_ are new and empty there... maybe during installation I was supposed to change the prefix to sed_ instead of cot_?


The documentation, if there is any, was unfound to me, so I only went by the vague instructions I found under this sites documentation to upgrade... it did not go well obviously.



Added 13 minutes later:

Also please note the errors that Pieter had with upgrading from Genoa (originally LDU site to sedito) to Siena are my exact problem now.. when F5'ed once as well I got the same error about default skin. See this link below


Any help is appreciated.

Added 36 minutes later:

I have rolled back the DB to Genoa and tried to restart the update, this time I used sed_ prefix for the tables... incase that made any difference...

I used same user and password for admin account that I have on the old site

Then I selected ALL checkboxes for install options...  there was many checkboxes with blank descriptions that I left unchecked thefirst time, I figured unsupported plugins or something.



Same exact error again.. : /

Added 6 minutes later:

EDIT: actually this second try was a little bit better than last, now it seems the news feed and news articles have carried over , but not the rest of the database..


There are no users, pages, forums - posts - threads etc, articles or anything.


It is a very large amount of users / forum content and articles but I would assume that wouldn't be an issue?


Also I've noticed there is some errors now when navigating through the new site, extensions configuration does not work, 

Fatal error: Call to undefined function sed_url() in /home/www/streetlegalmods.com/plugins/brlight/lang/brlight.en.lang.php on line 144

Added 1 hours later:

I could not update the wesbite as planned, so I have reverted back to our old site for now seen here: http://streetlegalmods.com/


I will be handling the rest of the update through this domain instead: http://dev.streetlegalmods.com/


I am not sure what to do first, I have the new installation installed on the new url now, should I dropped the old database into existing new database and re run the installer?


Any advice is helpful.

Added 17 minutes later:

I also started another thread about something, I don't know if its a bug in the admin panel, or a sucessful hack http://www.cotonti.com/forums?m=posts&q=7594&n=last#bottom


Not sure if these two issues (hack / updating) are related or not.

<a href="http://www.streetlegalmods.com/">http://www.streetlegalmods.com/</a>

Відредаговано: singh336 (24.11.2013 00:13, 10 років тому)
#2 24.11.2013 00:32

1. For any experiment get you originnal (Genoa) site (I suppose you had backuped it) and run it on localhost. 

2. Uninstall any addition genoa plugins. I also recommend to move all addirion plugins and modules files to separete temporary folder.  

3. Then drop Siena files over your site

4. Make a backup copy of your site MySQL datbase.

5. run install ( as manual says). 


If typed erros still occures then

6. restore DB from backup copy, then

7. look in «setup» folder and locate file with problem script — 

ALTER TABLE `cot_cache` ADD COLUMN `c_realm` …

in your case. I think it sholud be `patch-genoa.sql` file. Then comment these lines with /* */ signs and try install ones more.

If you get another SQL error then repeats steps 6, 7 until install will had been completed.

8. After that you can enable Genoa compatibility plugin (named «genoa»).

9. Move back old Genoa plugins one by one, install them through admin and check whether it works or not.

10. If ome plugin not working — uninstall it, then be sure that these functions are not included in the core. Then search for analog in plugins section of this site (or ask users).

 If main functions of site seems to be working  you can upload site to working server.



правильный хостинг — https://goo.gl/fjCa1F
#3 24.11.2013 00:42

Thank you for the advice, 


one thing I just realized is that according to the news post on the home page, the latest version (that i have here trying to update with) is 9.15 and it no longer includes the files needed to upgrade from genoa and sed sites????


So I've downloaded the "legacy" pack here, do I drop that over the siena file structure THEN proceed to updating?

<a href="http://www.streetlegalmods.com/">http://www.streetlegalmods.com/</a>
#4 24.11.2013 07:35

Hi Singh,

I've added a few important notes to the upgrade docs:

Make sure you have updated your site to latest Genoa before upgrading it from Genoa to Siena. Otherwise upgrade may fail.

And on your recent question, on step 3 before running install.php:

Download Cotonti legacy package and extract it to your site's root.

May the Source be with you!
#5 24.11.2013 20:18

thank you , thats a pretty big deal haha.


I'll do this, on my mirror site and let you know how it goes through, very good info to know !

Added 40 minutes later:

Okay I've done all of that, on a new mirrrored site. gom.streetlegalmods.com


I uploaded a fresh copy of Genoa 6.25 on the ftp, uploaded my datbase to a new database and made sure it was 6.25 updated.


Then I connected to that datbase in the config file, made sure all was well. 


The site worked perfectly, of course no extra plugins were there...


I then dropped Siena files over the Genoa in ftp... then I dropped legacy files over all of that... then I chmodded the config to 666.


Went to install.php and it loaded for a quite a while, which is good im guessing.


Then we have these errors here..


not NEARLY as many as before, thankfully.


SQL error 42000: Syntax error or access violation: 1103 Incorrect table name ''

#0  cot_diefatal(SQL error 42000: Syntax error or access violation: 1103 Incorrect table name '') called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/system/database.php:568]
#1  CotDB->query(SHOW INDEXES FROM ``) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/system/database.php:306]
#2  CotDB->indexExists(, tag_area_item, Array ([0] => tag_area,[1] => tag_item)) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/plugins/tags/setup/patch_0.9.14.inc:5]
#3  include(/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/plugins/tags/setup/patch_0.9.14.inc) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/system/extensions.php:98]
#4  cot_apply_patches(./plugins/tags/setup, 0.0.0) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/system/extensions.php:498]
#5  cot_extension_install(tags, , 1) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/modules/install/inc/install.update.php:179]
#6  include(/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/modules/install/inc/install.update.php) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/install.

Added 5 minutes later:

I'm assuming that this needs to be fixed first before anything can happen? IT seems the config.php has not been modifed by the installer script since its still showing the old genoa stuff like "default_skin" and not "default_theme" etc...


I shouldn't try to edit the config sample to make it work right? I should find out how to fix the above errors first I am assuming?

Added 10 minutes later:

it looks like its saying there is a blank table name in line 568 of the database.php but im not sure what to do with that, and if i fix that, am i supposed to do something with the errors below that?

Added 26 minutes later:

Of course I am wrong, because in the file this is what I see


        catch (PDOException $err)
            if ($this->_parseError($err, $err_code, $err_message))
                cot_diefatal('SQL error ' . $err_code . ': ' . $err_message);


So how to go and fix the error im not sure if there was something else I was to do

<a href="http://www.streetlegalmods.com/">http://www.streetlegalmods.com/</a>

Відредаговано: singh336 (24.11.2013 23:49, 10 років тому)
#6 25.11.2013 00:10

This is a bug. Please download the file below and extract/place the plugins folder into your cotonti installation root to overwrite the needed files and try again.


Sorry for the inconvenience.

#7 25.11.2013 00:26

Thank you ! lets try this again :D

Added 42 minutes later:

Okay tried that file heres what I got now, apparently still referencing the tag?


SQL error 42S02: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'domainacc_temp.cot_tag_references' doesn't exist

#0  cot_diefatal(SQL error 42S02: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'domainacc_temp.cot_tag_references' doesn't exist) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/system/database.php:568]
#1  CotDB->query(ALTER TABLE `cot_tag_references` DROP INDEX `tag_item`) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/plugins/tags/setup/patch_0.9.14.inc:12]
#2  include(/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/plugins/tags/setup/patch_0.9.14.inc) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/system/extensions.php:98]
#3  cot_apply_patches(./plugins/tags/setup, 0.0.0) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/system/extensions.php:498]
#4  cot_extension_install(tags, , 1) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/modules/install/inc/install.update.php:179]
#5  include(/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/modules/install/inc/install.update.php) called at [/home/www/gom.streetlegalmods.com/install.

Added 9 minutes later:

If it helps to mention , a few days ago I accidentally emptied the "tags_references" table in genoa when i really meant to empty the "sed_referrers" table, not sure how I did that mistakingly but I did, not sure if thats effecting this update now since the table is mentioned in the above error..


<a href="http://www.streetlegalmods.com/">http://www.streetlegalmods.com/</a>

Відредаговано: singh336 (25.11.2013 01:18, 10 років тому)
#8 25.11.2013 01:29

You may need to change $db_x in your config.php to 'sed_' instead of 'cot_' if your tables are still prefixed with 'sed_'. I am not sure if you mean that you dropped the the table or just deleted all the rows from the table. You can always just uninstall the tags plugin from the genoa version and try updating after that.

#9 25.11.2013 01:37

emptied the tables contents like the table is still there, just everything inside of it is gone, like an idiot i did that.


Okay ill first try to do _sed 

Added 4 minutes later:

Actually i'll try to uninstall tags plugin first so ill revert back to the point right before i drop in the siena files.



Also, you said to edit the config.php, but the config.php is the genoa config.php 


do you mean config-sample.php or whatever its called? am I supposed to physically rename that myself, and then fill in the settings myself? i thought the install.php takes that from config.php genoa and converts to config sample siena format? or no?


I just haven't seen that mentioned in the update docs so im assuming its automatied, but if i change the dbx to sed_ in the config_sample is that going to be enough? i feel like that wouldn't do much ?

<a href="http://www.streetlegalmods.com/">http://www.streetlegalmods.com/</a>
#10 25.11.2013 02:00

You are correct about the configuration file. I updated the file above. My mistake.

#11 25.11.2013 02:28

Okay, very happy because it seems the update went witout errors.


I have some concerns tho, since this was just a test to make sure everything would go okay, and also gives me some time to configure plugins and convert the skin over... what will I do to get my latest DB over?


Will i have to drop files all over again to convert the database? how will that work or can I just drop the latest cotonti Genoa (from my live site, when im ready to switch) and then run the install.php once more? or is that a bad idea?


Check it out !


Heres the Site

Added 4 minutes later:

I see that somehow, the news feed is still not showing up :/ it did show up once yesterday in my attempts to update the site, but now it seems to be the only thing missing from the home page.

Added 21 minutes later:

Just to make it clear to anyone who searches in the future, the problem was fixed for me, by uninstalling the tags plugin. maybe the fixed file posted above would of fixed it, i dont know.


I really can't figure out how to fix the news feed / posts not showing up on home page, for now i guess i'll work on the skin, i wish i could find a documentation containing all tags or documentation on making a skin with suggestions for tags to input but i guess its not needed when i can look at existing skins. 

Added 41 minutes later:

Okay, looks like the tags and info about that are listed in the documentation, but you have to turn debug on, which I did... and then attach &tpl_debug=1 to the end of the url? well my urls don't look like the example ones and further they don't work they show up 404 not found.


Not sure what i'm doing wrong i also noticed the news button on home page nav does not work its not found showing a cotonti siena message about not found. that sucks.


I"m trying to decide the best way to do this with the skin, but I have a big css file, how to merge idk. and what to do with that its kind of a headache right now just wish I could see a list of tags in a doc somewhere saying THIS is what you can use in the header tpl and this is what they do for each tag.

: / very exhausted 

Added 42 minutes later:

Looks like the news works here http://gom.streetlegalmods.com/News

crazy, why it won't show on index tpl.

<a href="http://www.streetlegalmods.com/">http://www.streetlegalmods.com/</a>

Відредаговано: singh336 (25.11.2013 04:15, 10 років тому)
#12 25.11.2013 16:03


First of all, when you wrote about some certain documentation, please leave a links to it, so we can faster to find what you spoke about.

For tha «tags»: it's not important what kind of links you use (with urleditor plugin or not)/ Just add «&tpl_debug=1» at the and and it should work (see screen).

For «News»: what url your news button link to?  Fist of all check news plugin is installed, then check settings of it, to set category code used as news source. Then check index.tpl for {INDEX_NEWS} tag exists.




правильный хостинг — https://goo.gl/fjCa1F
#13 25.11.2013 20:30

Okay, I will link to the page next time, I apologize for that.


Yeah I tried to add those tpl debugs, but I"ll double check I've enabled debug and I will try again, it gives me a browser 404 error.

as far as news, I will check those settings, however this was an issue before I upgraded and I believe it was because somebody might of hacked the website since our news feed disappeared from the home page... the news articles are still there, and when you go to news section even on the siena website you can see all articles but they won't load on home page.


the tag is there of course, and i've double checked on old website and siena website too, it must somewhat parse because the tag doesn't show as text on the web page.


I'll have another go at it today, i might re do the whole thing.


and also , when I finish this whole site and I am ready to go live, I will need to reupload the database (genoa DB) to the siena site... will it be converted again by running install .php or is this a bad idea? what is the best way to go about that?

Added 21 minutes later:

Okay, I checked the news settings and I did see something wierd, I don't know if this setting is available in genoa cause I've never seen it, maybe its a siena thing.


When I click the "ADD" button, nothing happens, ive tried backing out and going back in, no luck.




Also, unrelated to this, I cannot log out of the site maybe my cookies or something so I'll try with another browser.

Added 22 minutes later:

Okay I fixed the news thing, heres what I did, or what happened and why I think the link didn't work on the nemesis navigation menu 


I went into my genoa (existing live site) and i went to the news config and I changed the cat code from "news" to "News"


I noticed this was also an issue on the siena site because I had to rename the link from /news to /News


that is great news and now I can continue to make progress, does anyone have an idea of where or how this got changed on my old existing site? I rather change it back to "news" since thats the way it used to be and I might find other issues later by just fixing it this way to "News"

Added 2 hours later:

Just to report and confirm that I cannot edit the category in siena for the news plugin. 


I guess the issue started when one of my admins must of been editing the structure for pages and somehow renamed the category code from "news" to "News" or maybe the hacker did that, but that seems unlikely now given the only changed was a letter to its capital form.


So my first attempts to get the skin going have gone very well, I am happy. Yes I know there is a mess of code most likely since I'm just mashing my skin into the nemesis skin, but once I get everything set how I want I will begin stripping away the crap that isn't needed.

I also will  have to design the admin theme it seems like, its a little annoying but thats okay it should be pretty straight forward. 


So here is the test site, with the new theme, I think its going well ! 




Here is the existing live genoa site



You see there is a lot missing, i'll figure it out.


Thanks for the support so far !!

Added 9 minutes later:

Im still wondering what is the best way when this site is completely ready, how do I import the latest genoa database here? I want to bet that I empty the current database, import the genoa and then go with the install script again? but will that make problems with the config php this what im wondering?


any help on that is appreciated, i know my questions are endless, but im trying !

Added 2 hours later:

Okay I've sorted most things out.


Trying to find a way to have the new minichat plugin read the existing sed_com table in the database to show old shouts/messages but its not a life or death situation, if we lose them that's fine.


Now I'm trying to find out why this will not show in index.tpl 


I'm trying to move the "hello user - profile / pfs / logout" etc from the footer tpl (in nemesis) to the index tpl under the "control panel" box I have there on my skin


here is the code 


    <!-- BEGIN: GUEST -->
			<li><a href="{PHP|cot_url('login')}">{PHP.L.Login}</a></li>
			<li><a href="{PHP|cot_url('users','m=register')}">{PHP.L.Register}</a></li>
			<li><a href="{PHP|cot_url('users','m=passrecover')}">{PHP.L.users_lostpass}</a></li>
<!-- END: GUEST -->
<!-- BEGIN: USER -->
			<li><strong>Hello, {PHP.usr.name} <!-- IF {PHP.usr.maingrp} == 5 --> &nbsp; [ <a href="{PHP|cot_url('admin')}" class="lower">{PHP.L.Adminpanel}</a> ]<!-- ENDIF --></strong></li>
			<!-- IF {PHP.usr.profile.user_avatar} --><li class="floatleft marginright10"><img src="{PHP.usr.profile.user_avatar}" alt="{PHP.L.Avatar}" /></li><!-- ELSE --><li class="floatleft marginright10"><img src="datas/defaultav/blank.png" alt="{PHP.L.Avatar}" /></li><!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF {PHP.out.notices} -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<li><a href="{PHP|cot_url('users','m=profile')}" title="{PHP.L.Profile}">{PHP.L.Profile}</a></li>
			<!-- IF {PHP.cot_modules.pm} -->
			<li><a href="{PHP|cot_url('pm')}" title="{PHP.L.Private_messages}">{PHP.L.Private_Messages}</a></li>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF {PHP.cot_modules.pfs} -->
			<li><a href="{PHP|cot_url('pfs')}" title="{PHP.L.PFS}">{PHP.L.PFS}</a></li>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- END: USER -->


Added 39 seconds later:

From what I was able to learn from the docs here is that tags are global if they start with PHP, so im assuming it doesn't matter I moved the code from footer tpl to index, but apparently its not liking that idea...

Added 2 minutes later:

Also update: i found I am able to logout of the website if I am also logged out of the main website, its probably a conflict in the cookies, so no big deal.

Added 9 minutes later:

Also I have some issue updating the menu slots in admin panel, when I go to update, it only worked one or two times but mostly I get this


412 Error

Your request got filtered out due to possible security issues.

One or more things in your request were suspicious (defective request header, invalid cookies, bad parameters)

If you think you did nothing wrong:

  • try again with a different browser
  • avoid any evil characters inside the request url

If you are the owner of the website, you can consider revising the rules of the mod_security module or turning it off from your Web Hosting Control Panel.


I have url editor on and plan to use that permenantly 

Added 3 hours later:

I want to say sorry for being difficult about the TPL tags lol... I realized the "debug" that I enabled in the config was not the correct one, i enabled debug for "sed debug" and that did not enable me to pull up the tags.


I see these tags on the home page... 

are these ABSOLUTELY all of the tags I can call? I'm trying to use tags to call the links for user name / admin page / profile / PFS / etc in the index.tpl and I see they are there for header and footer but that's not where I want to use them. any ideas?


header.tpl / HEADER / USER

    {HEADER_BANNER} => ""
    {HEADER_BASEHREF} => "<base href="http://gom.streetlegalmods.com/" />"
    {HEADER_CANONICAL_URL} => "http://gom.streetlegalmods.com/?tpl_debug=1"
    {HEADER_COLOR_SCHEME} => "themes/nemesis/css/default.css"
    {HEADER_COMPOPUP} => "<script type="text/javascript" src="./images/smilies/lang/en..."
    {HEADER_GMTTIME} => "2013-11-26 02:44 GMT"
    {HEADER_HEAD} => "<link href="./plugins/tags/tpl/tags.css" type="text/css" rel..."
    {HEADER_LOGSTATUS} => "Logged in as Singh"
    {HEADER_META_CONTENTTYPE} => "text/html"
    {HEADER_META_DESCRIPTION} => "No.1 Source for Street Legal Mods"
    {HEADER_META_KEYWORDS} => "street legal mods, no.1 source, gom-team.com, cars decals, s..."
    {HEADER_META_LASTMODIFIED} => "Tue, 26 Nov 2013 02:44:04"
    {HEADER_NEXT_URL} => ""
    {HEADER_NOTICES} => "<a href="admin.php?m=page">1 unvalidated page</a>"
    {HEADER_NOTICES_ARRAY.0} => "Array"
    {HEADER_PREV_URL} => ""
    {HEADER_TITLE} => "GOM-TEAM.COM - No.1 Source for Street Legal Mods"
    {HEADER_TOPLINE} => ""
    {HEADER_USERLIST} => "<a href="users.php">Users</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_ADMINPANEL} => "<a href="admin.php">Administration</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_ADMINPANEL_URL} => "admin.php"
    {HEADER_USER_LOGINOUT} => "<a href="login.php?out=1&amp;x=bf714d14ff2e83bd">Logout</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_LOGINOUT_URL} => "login.php?out=1&amp;x=bf714d14ff2e83bd"
    {HEADER_USER_NAME} => "Singh"
    {HEADER_USER_PMREMINDER} => "<a href="pm.php">5 new private messages</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_PMS} => "<a href="pm.php">Private messages</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_PM_URL} => "pm.php"
    {HEADER_USER_PROFILE} => "<a href="users.php?m=profile">Profile</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_PROFILE_URL} => "users.php?m=profile"
    {HEADER_WHOSONLINE} => "2 members, 1 guest"

header.tpl / HEADER

    {HEADER_BANNER} => ""
    {HEADER_BASEHREF} => "<base href="http://gom.streetlegalmods.com/" />"
    {HEADER_CANONICAL_URL} => "http://gom.streetlegalmods.com/?tpl_debug=1"
    {HEADER_COLOR_SCHEME} => "themes/nemesis/css/default.css"
    {HEADER_COMPOPUP} => "<script type="text/javascript" src="./images/smilies/lang/en..."
    {HEADER_GMTTIME} => "2013-11-26 02:44 GMT"
    {HEADER_HEAD} => "<link href="./plugins/tags/tpl/tags.css" type="text/css" rel..."
    {HEADER_LOGSTATUS} => "Logged in as Singh"
    {HEADER_META_CONTENTTYPE} => "text/html"
    {HEADER_META_DESCRIPTION} => "No.1 Source for Street Legal Mods"
    {HEADER_META_KEYWORDS} => "street legal mods, no.1 source, gom-team.com, cars decals, s..."
    {HEADER_META_LASTMODIFIED} => "Tue, 26 Nov 2013 02:44:04"
    {HEADER_NEXT_URL} => ""
    {HEADER_NOTICES} => "<a href="admin.php?m=page">1 unvalidated page</a>"
    {HEADER_NOTICES_ARRAY.0} => "Array"
    {HEADER_PREV_URL} => ""
    {HEADER_TITLE} => "GOM-TEAM.COM - No.1 Source for Street Legal Mods"
    {HEADER_TOPLINE} => ""
    {HEADER_USERLIST} => "<a href="users.php">Users</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_ADMINPANEL} => "<a href="admin.php">Administration</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_ADMINPANEL_URL} => "admin.php"
    {HEADER_USER_LOGINOUT} => "<a href="login.php?out=1&amp;x=bf714d14ff2e83bd">Logout</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_LOGINOUT_URL} => "login.php?out=1&amp;x=bf714d14ff2e83bd"
    {HEADER_USER_NAME} => "Singh"
    {HEADER_USER_PFS} => "<a href="pfs.php">My files</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_PFS_URL} => "pfs.php"
    {HEADER_USER_PMREMINDER} => "<a href="pm.php">5 new private messages</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_PMS} => "<a href="pm.php">Private messages</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_PM_URL} => "pm.php"
    {HEADER_USER_PROFILE} => "<a href="users.php?m=profile">Profile</a>"
    {HEADER_USER_PROFILE_URL} => "users.php?m=profile"
    {HEADER_WHOSONLINE} => "2 members, 1 guest"

polls.index.tpl / INDEXPOLLS / ERROR

    {IPOLLS_ALL} => "polls.php?id=viewall"
    {IPOLLS_ERROR} => "None"

polls.index.tpl / INDEXPOLLS

    {IPOLLS_ALL} => "polls.php?id=viewall"
    {IPOLLS_ERROR} => "None"

minichat.index.tpl / MINICHAT / CHAT / MINICHAT_ROW

    {MINICHAT_ROW_ADMIN_URL} => "index.php?e=minichat&amp;delmcitem=121201"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR} => "<a href="users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh">Singh</..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_AVATAR} => "<img src="datas/users/243-avatar.gif" alt="" class="userimg ..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_AVATAR_SRC} => "datas/users/243-avatar.gif"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_COUNTRY} => "<a href="users.php?f=country_us" title="United States">Unite..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_COUNTRYFLAG} => "<a href="users.php?f=country_us" title="United States"><img ..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_DETAILSLINK} => "users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_DETAILSLINKSHORT} => "users.php?m=details&amp;id=243"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_LASTLOG} => "2013-11-26 02:44"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRP} => "<a href="users.php?gm=5">Owners</a>"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPICON} => "<img src="/images/TheKingh.png" alt="Group" />"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPSTARS} => "<img class="icon" src="images/icons/default/stars10.png" alt..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPTITLE} => "<a href="users.php?gm=5">Administrators</a>"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_NAME} => "<a href="users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh">Singh</..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_PM} => "<a href="pm.php?m=send&amp;to=243" title="Send a new private..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_REGDATE} => "2007-12-11 07:11"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_SCHEME} => "sed-light"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_TEXT} => "visit my site gom-team.com THANKS"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_THEME} => "sed-light"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_DATE} => "2013-11-26 00:24"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_DATE_STAMP} => 1385425452
    {MINICHAT_ROW_ID} => 121201
    {MINICHAT_ROW_TEXT} => "etc etc"

minichat.index.tpl / MINICHAT / CHAT

    {MINICHAT_NEXT} => "<span class="pagenav pagenav_next"><a href="index.php?e=mini..."
    {MINICHAT_PAGENAV} => "<span class="pagenav pagenav_current"><a href="index.php?e=m..."
    {MINICHAT_PREV} => ""
    {MINICHAT_ROW_ADMIN_URL} => "index.php?e=minichat&amp;delmcitem=121198"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR} => "<a href="users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh">Singh</..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_AVATAR} => "<img src="datas/users/243-avatar.gif" alt="" class="userimg ..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_AVATAR_SRC} => "datas/users/243-avatar.gif"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_COUNTRY} => "<a href="users.php?f=country_us" title="United States">Unite..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_COUNTRYFLAG} => "<a href="users.php?f=country_us" title="United States"><img ..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_DETAILSLINK} => "users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_DETAILSLINKSHORT} => "users.php?m=details&amp;id=243"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_LASTLOG} => "2013-11-26 02:44"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRP} => "<a href="users.php?gm=5">Owners</a>"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPICON} => "<img src="/images/TheKingh.png" alt="Group" />"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPSTARS} => "<img class="icon" src="images/icons/default/stars10.png" alt..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPTITLE} => "<a href="users.php?gm=5">Administrators</a>"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_NAME} => "<a href="users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh">Singh</..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_PM} => "<a href="pm.php?m=send&amp;to=243" title="Send a new private..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_REGDATE} => "2007-12-11 07:11"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_SCHEME} => "sed-light"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_TEXT} => "visit my site gom-team.com THANKS"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_THEME} => "sed-light"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_DATE} => "2013-11-26 00:04"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_DATE_STAMP} => 1385424287
    {MINICHAT_ROW_ID} => 121198
    {MINICHAT_ROW_TEXT} => "Hellllo"

minichat.index.tpl / MINICHAT / MINICHAT_FORM

    {MINICHAT_FORM_SEND} => "index.php?e=minichat"
    {MINICHAT_NEXT} => "<span class="pagenav pagenav_next"><a href="index.php?e=mini..."
    {MINICHAT_PAGENAV} => "<span class="pagenav pagenav_current"><a href="index.php?e=m..."
    {MINICHAT_PREV} => ""
    {MINICHAT_ROW_ADMIN_URL} => "index.php?e=minichat&amp;delmcitem=121198"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR} => "<a href="users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh">Singh</..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_AVATAR} => "<img src="datas/users/243-avatar.gif" alt="" class="userimg ..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_AVATAR_SRC} => "datas/users/243-avatar.gif"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_COUNTRY} => "<a href="users.php?f=country_us" title="United States">Unite..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_COUNTRYFLAG} => "<a href="users.php?f=country_us" title="United States"><img ..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_DETAILSLINK} => "users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_DETAILSLINKSHORT} => "users.php?m=details&amp;id=243"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_LASTLOG} => "2013-11-26 02:44"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRP} => "<a href="users.php?gm=5">Owners</a>"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPICON} => "<img src="/images/TheKingh.png" alt="Group" />"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPSTARS} => "<img class="icon" src="images/icons/default/stars10.png" alt..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPTITLE} => "<a href="users.php?gm=5">Administrators</a>"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_NAME} => "<a href="users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh">Singh</..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_PM} => "<a href="pm.php?m=send&amp;to=243" title="Send a new private..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_REGDATE} => "2007-12-11 07:11"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_SCHEME} => "sed-light"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_TEXT} => "visit my site gom-team.com THANKS"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_THEME} => "sed-light"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_DATE} => "2013-11-26 00:04"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_DATE_STAMP} => 1385424287
    {MINICHAT_ROW_ID} => 121198
    {MINICHAT_ROW_TEXT} => "Hellllo"

minichat.index.tpl / MINICHAT

    {MINICHAT_FORM_SEND} => "index.php?e=minichat"
    {MINICHAT_NEXT} => "<span class="pagenav pagenav_next"><a href="index.php?e=mini..."
    {MINICHAT_PAGENAV} => "<span class="pagenav pagenav_current"><a href="index.php?e=m..."
    {MINICHAT_PREV} => ""
    {MINICHAT_ROW_ADMIN_URL} => "index.php?e=minichat&amp;delmcitem=121198"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR} => "<a href="users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh">Singh</..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_AVATAR} => "<img src="datas/users/243-avatar.gif" alt="" class="userimg ..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_AVATAR_SRC} => "datas/users/243-avatar.gif"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_COUNTRY} => "<a href="users.php?f=country_us" title="United States">Unite..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_COUNTRYFLAG} => "<a href="users.php?f=country_us" title="United States"><img ..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_DETAILSLINK} => "users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_DETAILSLINKSHORT} => "users.php?m=details&amp;id=243"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_LASTLOG} => "2013-11-26 02:44"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRP} => "<a href="users.php?gm=5">Owners</a>"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPICON} => "<img src="/images/TheKingh.png" alt="Group" />"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPSTARS} => "<img class="icon" src="images/icons/default/stars10.png" alt..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_MAINGRPTITLE} => "<a href="users.php?gm=5">Administrators</a>"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_NAME} => "<a href="users.php?m=details&amp;id=243&amp;u=Singh">Singh</..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_PM} => "<a href="pm.php?m=send&amp;to=243" title="Send a new private..."
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_REGDATE} => "2007-12-11 07:11"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_SCHEME} => "sed-light"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_TEXT} => "visit my site gom-team.com THANKS"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_AUTHOR_THEME} => "sed-light"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_DATE} => "2013-11-26 00:04"
    {MINICHAT_ROW_DATE_STAMP} => 1385424287
    {MINICHAT_ROW_ID} => 121198
    {MINICHAT_ROW_TEXT} => "Hellllo"
    {MINICHAT_TIMER} => 15

recentitems.pages.index.tpl / MAIN / PAGE_ROW

    {PAGE_ROW_ADMIN} => "<a href="admin.php?m=page&amp;a=unvalidate&amp;id=1088&amp;x..."
    {PAGE_ROW_ADMIN_CLONE} => "<a href="page.php?m=add&amp;c=articles&amp;clone=1088">Clone..."
    {PAGE_ROW_ADMIN_CLONE_URL} => "page.php?m=add&amp;c=articles&amp;clone=1088"
    {PAGE_ROW_ADMIN_DELETE} => "<a href="message.php?msg=920&amp;m=page&amp;lng=page_confirm..."
    {PAGE_ROW_ADMIN_DELETE_URL} => "message.php?msg=920&amp;m=page&amp;lng=page_confirm_delete&a..."
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    {PAGE_ROW_ADMIN_EDIT_URL} => "page.php?m=edit&amp;id=1088"
    {PAGE_ROW_ADMIN_UNVALIDATE} => "<a href="message.php?msg=920&amp;m=page&amp;lng=page_confirm..."
    {PAGE_ROW_ADMIN_UNVALIDATE_URL} => "message.php?msg=920&amp;m=page&amp;lng=page_confirm_unvalida..."
    {PAGE_ROW_ALIAS} => "Some-FAQ-Read-This-Before-Posting"
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    {PAGE_ROW_DATE} => "2025-01-01 10:01"
    {PAGE_ROW_DATE_STAMP} => 1735725660
    {PAGE_ROW_DESC} => "From Some Mad Admins / Mods"
    {PAGE_ROW_DESC_OR_TEXT} => "From Some Mad Admins / Mods"
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    {PAGE_ROW_SHORTTITLE} => "Some F.A.Q (Read This Before Posting)"
    {PAGE_ROW_STATE} => 0
    {PAGE_ROW_STATUS} => "published"
    {PAGE_ROW_TEXT} => "Hello, <br /> if you are an old GOM user then you may ignore..."
    {PAGE_ROW_TEXT_CUT} => "Hello, <br /> if you are an old GOM user then you may ignore..."
    {PAGE_ROW_TEXT_IS_CUT} => ""
    {PAGE_ROW_TITLE} => "<a href="page.php?c=articles" title="Articles">Articles</a> ..."
    {PAGE_ROW_UPDATED} => "1970-01-01 00:00"
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recentitems.pages.index.tpl / MAIN

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    {PAGE_ROW_ADMIN_CLONE_URL} => "page.php?m=add&amp;c=dlslsounds&amp;clone=3449"
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    {PAGE_ROW_ADMIN_DELETE_URL} => "message.php?msg=920&amp;m=page&amp;lng=page_confirm_delete&a..."
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    {PAGE_ROW_ALIAS} => "Alternative-sound-for-V12-Lama-Performance"
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    {PAGE_ROW_BEGIN} => "2013-11-10 23:44"
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    {PAGE_ROW_CATTITLE} => "Sounds"
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    {PAGE_ROW_COMMENTS} => "<a href="page.php?al=Alternative-sound-for-V12-Lama-Performa..."
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    {PAGE_ROW_DATE_STAMP} => 1384127520
    {PAGE_ROW_DESC} => ""
    {PAGE_ROW_DESC_OR_TEXT} => "Hi guys, this is my little contribution to the comunity, jus..."
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    {PAGE_ROW_OWNER_MAINGRPSTARS} => "<img class="icon" src="images/icons/default/stars2.png" alt=..."
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    {PAGE_ROW_OWNER_NICKNAME} => "Quorthon"
    {PAGE_ROW_OWNER_PM} => "<a href="pm.php?m=send&amp;to=71498" title="Send a new priva..."
    {PAGE_ROW_OWNER_REGDATE} => "2013-05-21 06:58"
    {PAGE_ROW_OWNER_REGDATE_STAMP} => 1369119529
    {PAGE_ROW_OWNER_SCHEME} => "sed-light"
    {PAGE_ROW_OWNER_TEXT} => "Burn it baby!<br /> <img src="http://www.examiner.com/images..."
    {PAGE_ROW_OWNER_THEME} => "sed-light"
    {PAGE_ROW_OWNER_TITLE} => "Users"
    {PAGE_ROW_SHORTTITLE} => "Alternative sound for V12 Lama Performance"
    {PAGE_ROW_STATE} => 0
    {PAGE_ROW_STATUS} => "published"
    {PAGE_ROW_TEXT} => "Hi guys, this is my little contribution to the comunity, jus..."
    {PAGE_ROW_TEXT_CUT} => "Hi guys, this is my little contribution to the comunity, jus..."
    {PAGE_ROW_TEXT_IS_CUT} => ""
    {PAGE_ROW_TITLE} => "<a href="page.php?c=downloads" title="Downloads">Downloads</..."
    {PAGE_ROW_UPDATED} => "1970-01-01 00:00"
    {PAGE_ROW_URL} => "page.php?al=Alternative-sound-for-V12-Lama-Performance"

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    {FORUM_ROW.ft_title} => "Street Legal Racing LICENSED"
    {FORUM_ROW.ft_creationdate} => 1385337944
    {FORUM_ROW.ft_updated} => 1385426065
    {FORUM_ROW.ft_postcount} => 6
    {FORUM_ROW.ft_viewcount} => 76
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    {FORUM_ROW_ID} => 10450
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    {FORUM_ROW_STATE} => 0
    {FORUM_ROW_TIMEAGO} => "2 hours"
    {FORUM_ROW_TITLE} => "Street Legal Racing LICENSED"
    {FORUM_ROW_UPDATED} => "<a href="forums.php?m=posts&amp;q=10450&amp;n=last#bottom" r..."
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    {FORUM_ROW.ft_tag} => ""
    {FORUM_ROW.ft_cat} => 6
    {FORUM_ROW.ft_title} => "Toyota JZ-GTE Engine Sound Mod"
    {FORUM_ROW.ft_creationdate} => 1385230778
    {FORUM_ROW.ft_updated} => 1385343337
    {FORUM_ROW.ft_postcount} => 8
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    {FORUM_ROW.ft_poll} => 0
    {FORUM_ROW.ft_movedto} => ""
    {FORUM_ROW.ft_preview} => "Hello everyone! Just made a new soundmod! I don\'t know if t..."
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    {FORUM_ROW_ID} => 10447
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    {FORUM_ROW_PREVIEW} => "Hello everyone! Just made a new soundmod! I don\'t know if t..."
    {FORUM_ROW_STATE} => 0
    {FORUM_ROW_TIMEAGO} => "1 days"
    {FORUM_ROW_TITLE} => "Toyota JZ-GTE Engine Sound Mod"
    {FORUM_ROW_UPDATED} => "<a href="forums.php?m=posts&amp;q=10447&amp;n=last#bottom" r..."
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    {FOOTER_ADMINPANEL} => "<a href="admin.php">Administration</a>"
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Added 2 hours later:

Right now I am backing up all files and DB on test site and will be droping the DB to import my latest DB from my live genoa site... i'm hoping that I can have that DB converted by running the install.php when its imported.

Wish me luck, if this doesn't work I don't know another method to get the latest DB in there. If it works, then looks like I'll be bringing the Siena update live tonight !! very excited.

Added 6 hours later:

Site is live, test site and other sites are now deleted. 


Check here http://streetlegalmods.com/index.php


I still have a lot of work to do and im sure many more questions.


Right now need a simple easy gallery solution for pfs files

<a href="http://www.streetlegalmods.com/">http://www.streetlegalmods.com/</a>

Відредаговано: singh336 (26.11.2013 12:07, 10 років тому)
#14 26.11.2013 12:09

Right now need a simple easy gallery solution for pfs files

Attachments 2 is really good.

#15 26.11.2013 21:28



I installed and tried it out, had sql error couldn't find the table or something.


I'll wait on that for now I guess.


There is a few bugs, one security that my users reported that must be fixed right away, pretty scary honestly.


I'm working on tweaking and tuning the rest of the skin areas so everything fits good. Its a shame because most of it is just padding and font sizes and line heights etc.. the default skin should of been a little neater than that.


If i had the time I should make cotonti devs a nice clean default theme, surely It couldn't be worse. :P

Added 40 minutes later:

Latest comments on index page, any plugin or something I am not finding here, surely there has to be one?


I have forums and pages but no comments?


and index polls ? tried searching in downloads :/

<a href="http://www.streetlegalmods.com/">http://www.streetlegalmods.com/</a>

Відредаговано: singh336 (26.11.2013 22:08, 10 років тому)
