Форуми / Cotonti / Support / video site development

uploading videos problem

#1 03.04.2012 10:15

Guys, asking your advise again.

In creating web-site for videos I want to give user|admin opportunity to upload videos easily. How I can implement it best way in current Cotonti?

I understand that I may store video in PFS and tune CKEditor (or myfiles plugin) to easy embed that in text body...

But how to make upload through fancy GUI? Can you suggest a good script that may be easily attached to page.edit|add.tpl? Writing pluging is not a problem - but where to focus?

There are some solutions in Internet on that - but they looks like whole CMS for video web-sites...

#2 07.04.2012 07:34

This really depends on where you want to host videos. Video sites are very heavy on bandwidth, so it isn't likely you're going to store them on a regular shared host.

I haven't seen any solutions specific to video uploading in Cotonti. I have seen various YouTube-related facilities and a few streaming things.

May the Source be with you!