Форуми / Cotonti / General / Tagging disabled

disable the tag fields

#1 08.12.2009 20:13
Is there a way to disable the tagging..
I am working on a site that wouldn't need that..

==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#2 08.12.2009 20:27
It is a plugin:
Config is here: admin.php?m=config&n=edit&o=plug&p=tags
Maybe disable the plugin
... can we help you ...
#3 08.12.2009 20:39
yes Disabling The Plugin or Uninstalling it will remove the main functionality. And I think in most area's (with default skin) should cause the blocks to disappear
#4 08.12.2009 23:51
aghhh.. stupid, why didn't i think off that ;)
thanks guys
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==