Форуми / Cotonti / General / How do I change the background of my site?


#1 07.07.2009 04:32
Do I just add an image in the skins/img folder with a specific name?
#2 07.07.2009 04:38
It depends on which skin you are using.
You have to look into the code to see what the background picture is.

go to /skins/yourskinname/img
Look at the pictures and find the one that is the same as the background.
Replace it with your background. Same name and sometimes same size is required.

Good luck.
... can we help you ...
#3 07.07.2009 04:45
No wait.I am using the SED_Dark skin so there technically is no background.I have lots of images.I just need to know what to name it and where to put it.What you are saying makes perfect sense.I need a slight bit more help.
#4 07.07.2009 05:59
It's the 'SED-Dark_BG.gif' in that case.
Rename/replace the file you want to be the background image with SED-Dark_BG.gif
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#5 07.07.2009 06:14
Thanks.Oh and one more thing.I looked at the video tutorial on how to add new pages but how do I add new pages to the menu bar?

Відредаговано: minoation (07.07.2009 07:04, 14 років тому)
#6 07.07.2009 15:23
Goto admin.php?m=config&n=edit&o=core&p=menus

Copy an existing link and paste it and make your changes.
Probably it looks like:
<li><a href='The_link_to_the_page'>Title-that_is_visible</a></li>
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#7 07.07.2009 22:35
In where?My ftp client?In the administration panel?Where?
#8 07.07.2009 23:01
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
#9 07.07.2009 23:56
Lombi!Oh my gosh.I thought you would not talk to me ever again because I started my website over.Ok.Well right now the server says my site is under review for malacious content.But its wierd because I made it for the purpose of discussing games as well as Ideas as well as the games my team is developing.Anybody want to join?
#10 07.07.2009 23:58
That is happening constantly on 000webhost. You get what you pay for.
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
#11 08.07.2009 00:07
I know.But about my last question on the previous post.Anybody?Lombi I don't see why nobody can join.It's as easy as signing up for PDC or something.

Відредаговано: minoation (08.07.2009 01:07, 14 років тому)
#12 08.07.2009 01:18
First of all I would like to direct you to the forum rules on this site - you can spend some time over at the 8th point.

Second, think about the following RHETORICAL QUESTIONS

- are you giving your visitors any treats that will make them join?
- does your site offer anything interesting to people other than yourself?
- are you keeping the conversation alive for your current members?
- what are you doing to make the site unique and have it stand out from the crowd
- how are you marketing your site apart from posting here?
- how much seconds did you spend on learning how to market a site?

Should be enough for a few hours of introspection.
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
#13 08.07.2009 02:04
I never thought of it that way.But how DO I make it stand out?I've never done that before and I'm doing the best I can.I just need to know how.Do you know how many users Psp Demo Center have?1079.And every day at least 210 guests.I am glad to be included in that but how will I get that many users?I don't even have one not counting me.
#14 08.07.2009 02:28
I'm sure there are hundreds of articles on that very subject on ezinearticles.com

So spend a day and read some good literature.

Btw that member number is really small :)

Lemme put it like this - look for something worth talking about. Instead of a Tekken site make a Street Fighter IV site. With an actual domain. People are incredibly turned off by the free hosting crap. There are thousands of these opening every hour. Literally.

So ponder about the following - how do I make my site stand out from the thousands of sites popping up every hour?

What do you do that's interesting? What do you know how to do that can be formed into a community?
<a href="http://www.domenlo.com">Surreal Art</a>
#15 08.07.2009 02:43
Tekken all there is worth talking about.And if I actually HAD MONEY TO PAY FOR ALL THE CRAP I NEEDED,EVERY FREAKIN' INTERNET USER WOULD BE ON MY SITE.BUT THAT'S TOO BAD.And ABOUT YOUR LAST QUESTION.... EVERTHING!I'M NOT MAD AT YOU LOMBI.I'M MAD AT THE WORLD.;(.And it's weird because you know what all this crap falls into?

Відредаговано: minoation (08.07.2009 02:55, 14 років тому)


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