Форуми / Cotonti / Extensions / [Beta Release] MediaLibrary2 Gallery


beta release of the medilib gallery

#151 11.08.2010 06:17
I have problems with the bin... it doesn't display any file I've deleted... (so I can't delete theme definitively).

The page plug.php?e=medialibrary&m=admin tells me that I have 16 deleted files in bin, but when I click the link it guides me to the home of my site (in fact, looking at the html source, there's no link after href).

If I click "bin" in admin panel, the page only tells me:

Files you delete in the bin. Will be deleted forever. Files will automatically be deleted after 7 days

any suggestion? :(

Another error, in plug.php?e=medialibrary&m=mymedia, Latest Comments always show first comment in sed_com (cotonti database)... probably a sql_query join error...
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust

Відредаговано: donP (11.08.2010 06:59, 13 років тому)
#152 11.08.2010 11:26
i had fixed a few things a while back, but have lost the list of what ive fixed.

but try this download


same link but it should be updated. i didnt check into the latest comments. cant right atm.
#153 14.08.2010 15:15
Some problems solved (thank you), many others still present.
Have you the intention to develop final release or I have to try to correct main errors by myself?
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#154 15.08.2010 21:19
i know im sorry. I've been waiting for the NEW PFS! You see, people i think dont use this so much as it has a way better PFS. The old PFS just isnt up to what can be done in this plugin. Even with the extra fields.

I just dont have the resources here atm. I dont even have my own computer.

i leave this island in October. but i may have to stay till january.

t be honest i would be honoured if someone felt happy to add to the plugin. So if u have time, and the resources and want to fix things. I say yay! Go for it, i only ask, please share with the community.

If you need a hand or simple, small things. i can try and do things now and again. Its the busiest time, im in alot of trouble atm. Go for it! Ill support anyone who wants toa dd.

Added 2 minutes later:

there is even some import plugins i made a lil bit of. i cant remember how detailed they are tho.
#155 16.08.2010 15:37
I think your plugin is really a great one.
And I agree on the choice to keep it separate from PFS structure and folders, 'cause it's more flexible and you can organize the structure of categories and users rights more independently.
I'm currently trying to understand and study those parts of code that don't work properly.
I need to understand, in particular, the brhaviour of headers, because it creates several problems of validation of html code (W3C) sending some metas out of < head > < /head > section...
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#156 16.08.2010 17:38
if u list probs i can try and help.

with metas. can u give me an example. did they change in cotonti latley? with version?

Added 2 minutes later:

the plugin just has a better PFS...i dont know why the PFS new version is taking so long, imo it wud be fun to make and really quick and fun to add web 2.0 stuff... love that phrase but yeah
#157 17.08.2010 17:04
Unfortunately now I'm on holiday for some days and I haven't my main PC with me (only a netbook to surf the web)... and, sincerely, I do not know if I should spend all of these efforts considering the intentions of the Development Team... :/
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#158 17.08.2010 18:41
i think id eventually want to update the plugin , i didnt read anything about the future foundation.
#159 01.09.2010 05:14
Page plug.php?e=medialibrary&m=admin&s=group&group=1 give me this error:

Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in .../www/plugins/medialibrary/core/admin/medialibrary.admin.group.php on line 35

Line 35 is:
$grp_title = mysql_result($sql, 'grp_title');

Pls, tell me how to fix it?

Добавлено 8 часов 28 Минут спустя:

oh, i fix it...

After migrating to a PHP 5.3, I encountered this error.
I took a look at the mysql_result() specs at PHP.net and saw that the function really expects 3 arguments (first two required and one optional)

Then line 35 looks like this:

$grp_title = mysql_result($sql, 0, 'grp_title');

Now it's works...

Добавлено 3 часа спустя:

My Russian Language if you need it... medialibrary.ru.lang.php_1020.zip
Лучший способ рассмешить бога - рассказать ему о своих планах на будущее...

Відредаговано: BESTRAFER (02.09.2010 03:27, 13 років тому)
#160 05.11.2010 21:01
thanx. i shall update it when i get back home.

and for those who asked me. i have been back 4 weeks now. I was waiting o that.

for the PFS to be released before i release this from BETA. as i wanted to intergrate it into that

but of course it hasnt? i dont see any news on it? It shouldnt be that hard really? its pretty much done in this plugin, just need to update visuals and a few more features. not that hard to make a whole new PFS!

sorry if typing is all messed up, using a v.bad laptop with missin i cant read what im typing properly. keys and i cant r
#161 05.11.2010 21:53
#162 09.11.2010 16:14
# pieter : new PFS: http://www.cotonti.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=5777&n=last#bottom

i'm struggling to find a link to an actual release?
#163 11.11.2010 10:50
Thats because it is not out yet ;)
#164 11.11.2010 16:53
We are working on it... But it not always has our top priority because we have our own businesses to run too. :)

For specs, see the link that pieter posted. (It will use the old pfs a lot... this to make sure we are compatible)

Will go further with development (had a client project to finish, but things are looking good)
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#165 30.11.2010 16:25
kinda looked everywhere for this but i dont have any clue how to add a file type?
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