Forumlar / Cotonti / Support / PLUGIN_LATESTPAGES

Не могу заставить работать плагин на других страницах

#1 2014-01-06 08:50

Есть стандартный плагин Recentitems, отображающий последние статьи списком. Он размещен в index.tpl. Когда я вставляю тэг PLUGIN_LATESTPAGES например в page.tpl, список статей не выводится. Вот текст плагина Recentitems, может быть там нужно изменить хук или что-то в этом роде? :

/* ====================
==================== */

* Recent pages and topics in forums
* @package Cotonti
* @version 0.0.3
* @author Neocrome, Cotonti Team
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cotonti Team 2008-2009
* @license BSD

defined('SED_CODE') or die('Wrong URL');

/* ============ MASKS FOR THE HTML OUTPUTS =========== */

$recentitems = new XTemplate(sed_skinfile('recentitems', true));

$plu_empty = $L['None']."<br />";
$cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['redundancy'] = 2;

/* ================== FUNCTIONS ================== */

if($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['maxpages'] > 0 && !$cfg['disable_page'])
$limit = $cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['maxpages'];
$l = $limit * $cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['redundancy'];

$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT page_id, page_alias, page_cat, page_title, page_date FROM $db_pages WHERE page_state=0 AND page_cat NOT LIKE 'system'
AND page_cat NOT LIKE 'about' AND page_cat NOT LIKE 'news' AND page_cat NOT LIKE 'contactus' AND page_cat NOT LIKE 'pages' ORDER by page_date DESC LIMIT $l");

$i = 0;
while($i < $limit && $row = sed_sql_fetcharray($sql))
if(sed_auth('page', $row['page_cat'], 'R'))
$row['page_pageurl'] = (empty($row['page_alias'])) ? sed_url('page', 'id='.$row['page_id']) : sed_url('page', 'al='.$row['page_alias']);

$recentitems -> assign(array(
"RI_DATE" => date($cfg['formatyearmonthday'], $row['page_date'] + $usr['timezone'] * 3600),
"RI_CAT" => "<a href=\"".sed_url('list', 'c='.$row['page_cat'])."\">".$sed_cat[$row['page_cat']]['title']."</a>",
"RI_NAME" => "<a href=\"".$row['page_pageurl']."\" title=\"".htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row['page_title']))."\">".htmlspecialchars(sed_cutstring(stripslashes($row['page_title']), 75))."</a>",
$recentitems -> parse("RECENTPAGES.RECENTPAGE");

$recentitems -> parse("RECENTPAGES");
$res = $recentitems -> text("RECENTPAGES");

$res = (empty($res)) ? $plu_empty : $res;

$latestpages = $res;

/* ------------------ */

if($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['maxtopics'] > 0 && !$cfg['disable_forums'])
$limit = $cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['maxtopics'];
$l = $limit * $cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['redundancy'];

if($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Standard')
$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT t.ft_id, t.ft_sectionid, t.ft_title, t.ft_updated, t.ft_postcount, s.fs_id, s.fs_title, s.fs_category
FROM $db_forum_topics t,$db_forum_sections s
WHERE t.ft_sectionid=s.fs_id
AND t.ft_movedto=0 AND t.ft_mode=0
ORDER by t.ft_updated DESC LIMIT $l");
/*===Every category the topic attended to. Very detailed, but it looks huge===*/
elseif($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Subforums with Master Forums')
$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT t.ft_id, t.ft_sectionid, t.ft_title, t.ft_updated, t.ft_postcount, s.fs_id, s.fs_masterid, s.fs_mastername, s.fs_title, s.fs_category
FROM $db_forum_topics t,$db_forum_sections s
WHERE t.ft_sectionid=s.fs_id
AND t.ft_movedto=0 AND t.ft_mode=0
ORDER by t.ft_updated DESC LIMIT $l");
/*===Only the category which topic has been posted===*/
elseif($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Parent only')
$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT t.ft_id, t.ft_sectionid, t.ft_title, t.ft_updated, t.ft_postcount, s.fs_id, s.fs_title
FROM $db_forum_topics t,$db_forum_sections s
WHERE t.ft_sectionid=s.fs_id
AND t.ft_movedto=0 AND t.ft_mode=0
ORDER by t.ft_updated DESC LIMIT $l");
/*===Modern style, only topic, date and postcount===*/
$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT t.ft_id, t.ft_title, t.ft_updated, t.ft_postcount, s.fs_id
FROM $db_forum_topics t,$db_forum_sections s
WHERE t.ft_sectionid=s.fs_id
AND t.ft_movedto=0 AND t.ft_mode=0
ORDER by t.ft_updated DESC LIMIT $l");

$i = 0;
while($i < $limit && $row = sed_sql_fetcharray($sql))
if(sed_auth('forums', $row['fs_id'], 'R'))
$img = ($usr['id']>0 && $row['ft_updated']>$usr['lastvisit']) ? "<a href=\"".sed_url('forums', 'm=posts&q='.$row['ft_id'].'&n=unread', '#unread')."\"><img src=\"skins/$skin/img/system/arrow-unread.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a>" : "<a href=\"".sed_url('forums', 'm=posts&q='.$row['ft_id'].'&n=last', '#bottom')."\"><img src=\"skins/$skin/img/system/arrow-follow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></a> ";

if($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Standard')
$build_forum=sed_build_forums($row['fs_id'], sed_cutstring($row['fs_title'],24), sed_cutstring($row['fs_category'],16));
elseif($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Subforums with Master Forums')
$build_forum=sed_build_forums($row['fs_id'], sed_cutstring($row['fs_title'],24), sed_cutstring($row['fs_category'],16), true, array($row['fs_masterid'],$row['fs_mastername']));
elseif($cfg['plugin']['recentitems']['fd'] == 'Parent only')
$build_forum="<a href=\"".sed_url('forums', 'm=topics&s='.$row['fs_id']).'">'.htmlspecialchars(sed_cutstring(stripslashes($row['fs_title']),16))."</a>";

$recentitems -> assign(array(
"RI_DATE" => date($cfg['formatmonthdayhourmin'], $row['ft_updated'] + $usr['timezone'] * 3600),
"RI_IMG" => $img,
"RI_CAT" => $build_forum,
"RI_NAME" => "<a href=\"".sed_url('forums', 'm=posts&q='.$row['ft_id'].'&n=last', '#bottom').'" title="'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row['ft_title'])).'">'.htmlspecialchars(sed_cutstring(stripslashes($row['ft_title']),25))."</a>",
"RI_COUNT" => $row['ft_postcount']-1,
$recentitems -> parse("RECENTFORUMS.RECENTFORUM");

$recentitems -> parse("RECENTFORUMS");
$res = $recentitems -> text("RECENTFORUMS");

$res = (empty($res)) ? $plu_empty : $res;

$latesttopics = $res;

/* ------------------ */

$t-> assign(array(
"PLUGIN_LATESTPAGES" => $latestpages,
"PLUGIN_LATESTTOPICS" => $latesttopics,



#2 2014-01-06 09:01

Есть глобально работающий Pagelist - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
#3 2014-01-06 09:51

Спасибо за подсказку, но уже все вписано в дизайн и не хотелось бы переходить на другой плагин. Хотелось бы получить рекомендации по исправлению Recentitems