Forumlar / Cotonti / General / Whats going on?

#1 2010-04-13 08:04
I havent been on this site for over 5 months... and I come back and see that there has been only 1 release since I left with only minor changes.... so whats going on? Why has the community lost its steam? And when is Rennisance scheduled to be released? I remember it was supposed to be released last summer but that never came about.
#2 2010-04-13 13:40
The Timeline gives a better impression of what's going on in development rather than forums. We are working on Siena which is vast changes. As soon as it is usable enough, we will release Alpha version for users to test drive it and report us bugs (which there are a lot of). Then, there are more changes planned for Siena, because we want to do all major changes at once, so that coders and skinmakers won't have to update their stuff later.
May the Source be with you!
#3 2010-04-13 14:13
Sinds October we have a few updates:
0.6.4 - 0.6.5 - 0.6.6 - 0.6.7, so I think the developers have worked hard.
And on the background they worked on sienna.

Thanks guys.
... can we help you ...
#4 2010-04-13 19:47
I agree with Trustmaster and pieter. Cotonti development is very good (comparing with neocrome there's no possible comparison).
Thanks guys
in [color=#729FCF][b]BLUES[/b][/color] I trust
#5 2010-04-17 22:18
Age: 14

he sure know how much time developing a working cms costs! ;)

edit 8hour later or so: I wanted to say is that developing such an large application (and in this scale you could compare it to a programm on a pc) is really time consuming.

as for me i needed about 4 month alone to develop a working first version of the usergallery.
When Developing and Programming there are internal releases you'll never see and other routines for checking code and keeping the dokumentation updated it's a full time job.

5 month and 1 release is pretty normal not to say fast. other cms system have a full time paid crew + 10k Fans sitting there writing code all day. but as far as i know these guys keeping the code clean part time in their spare time.


if you can code maybe there is some plugin you could do. And i think everyone in the "steamed down" community is happy and maybe back active if there where more plugin developers and more interesting plugins to come back for. its up to you. anyways sorry, was a bit rude i thought ;)
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Bu konu urlkiller tarafından düzenlendi(2010-04-18 09:14, 14 yıllar önce)
#6 2010-04-18 02:51
To all Cotonti developers: Thank you for all you're time and effort :)

@robofreak111: If you want Things to speed up.. start helping us.
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#7 2010-04-21 18:29
I for one am infinitely grateful for all the work everyone's put into this.

Thank you all very much. I feel the releases come very fast. Especially when it's all open source and free to use and modify.
#8 2010-04-22 15:11
The work on Cotonti is great, I think it's the best CMS and Community around.