Forumlar / Cotonti / General / Porting plugins from Seditio

Is porting allowed

#1 2009-11-05 16:59
Maybe this is a stupid question... :/

Is it allowed to just port plugins from Seditio to Cotonti.
And is this allowed for all plugins.

What are the rules..
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#2 2009-11-05 19:00
Of course

Plugins are independent of the CMS. However the only rules(common sense) are we don't allow you to port a Plugin, and remove any copyrights or mention of the Author. Nor do we allow for you to imply that you created the plugin. As well as you must follow an terms that come with the plugin if any.
#3 2009-11-05 22:10
OK, so basically (keep the author mentioned) and if there are copyrights follow the rules..

I have rebuild a plugin by Olivier C. it has changed a lot, but still the original plugin work was made by him, so I will leave his name in. Also I will post it on
So both communities can benefit from the work.
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==