Форумы / Cotonti / Support / Contonti 0.6.5 > Latest

Shold I?, Could I?

#1 20.09.2012 01:26

Hello, I am currently running Contonti 0.6.5 / 0.6.5 and I am wondering is it about time to start catching up? So I have a few questions

I tried this before over a year ago and failed :( but I want to give it another shot.

Question 1: Can I keep my current site running and create a copy site to perform the upgrade with ......com/secondsite/....... ? and perform the upgrade from there, then once the upgrade is complete move it to the main folder ?

Question 2: Are there a lot of steps to follow to get to the latest version?

Question 3: Is it possible to create a fresh install of the new version on a seperate folder with its own database, then import my old site stuff into the new fresh install ? is there a tool for this?

#2 20.09.2012 06:54

The procedure to upgrade is descripted here: http://www.cotonti.com/docs/start/updating#ch2

1. You can create a copy, but you need to copy all files and your database. And change the basis info in config.php.

2. If you go to Siena, all will be done automatically. But all non-siena plugins will be disabled. It will use the default THEME. Your SKIN must be upgraded to a THEME too.
Some tags are changed and there are new one's.

3. This is not a good idea. Because during the upgrade, your database will be upgraded too. There are changes, and an import will use the old info.

... can we help you ...
#3 20.09.2012 08:32

ok done, (someone needs to add a small note to the upgrade page to set new_install to false)


EDIT: fixed error thanks I forgot to add a theme in the config

Отредактировано: musashi9 (20.09.2012 09:06, 11 лет назад)
#4 20.09.2012 08:58

To see the error messages, edit your datas/config.php and set there

$cfg['display_errors'] = TRUE;

and probably another one might be helpful too:

$cfg['debug_mode'] = TRUE;


May the Source be with you!
#5 20.09.2012 09:06

I try and log in and get this error

SQL error 42S22: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'user_passsalt' in 'field list'

#0  cot_diefatal(SQL error 42S22: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'user_passsalt' in 'field list') called at [/hermes/waloraweb051/b2155/as.mysite/public_html/newsite/system/database.php:457]
#1  CotDB->query(SELECT user_passsalt, user_passfunc FROM sed_users WHERE user_name='myname') called at [/hermes/waloraweb051/b2155/as.mysite/public_html/newsite/login.php:105]
#6 20.09.2012 17:59

This error message means that the update to 0.9.11 is not complete and at least one of the patches has not been applied.

May the Source be with you!
#7 20.09.2012 23:00

Can someone help me fix?

EDIT: Ah nevermind I fixed it myself.


Отредактировано: musashi9 (21.09.2012 01:07, 11 лет назад)