Форумы / Cotonti / General / Make new box for menu?

#1 01.06.2010 20:03
I want to make a new box content for menu,marketing in left,which is similar with box in right, who can post here a tutorial to make it..?

#2 01.06.2010 22:19
You have to give more details.. I do not get it ????
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#3 01.06.2010 23:56
Maybe a picture what you want.
... can we help you ...
#4 02.06.2010 05:47
I have make a photo, you can see there what i'm wanting...?

In center i need to get the page content, and to add a other modules content in left...

Check Photo

Added 21 hours 44 minutes later:

Any help please?
Отредактировано: Albalady (03.06.2010 03:32, 14 лет назад)
#5 03.06.2010 14:24
It is possible but it is a lot of work.
All pictures need to be adapted.

Rayblo once had a version with 3 parts instead of 2, but it was for Seditio.
Maybe you can start from that version.

Check it out here: http://trac.cotonti.com/browser/branches/skins/sed-light3

Or download here and place the files in /skins/sed-light3/
... can we help you ...
#6 03.06.2010 15:01
you can do it with the current skin..

BUT What do you want to do with the small space in the middle ??

In css you need to make 2 things
something like a #content #lsidesmall (derived from #content #rside) so a make a small column that
floats left. And you need to make something to the right of that (in the middle???)

and integrate that into index.tpl

the css you need:
#content #lSide { float:left; width:550px; }
#content #lSide .lboxHD { color:#3E606F; background: url(img/SED-Light_lBoxHD.gif) no-repeat; width:540px; height:35px; line-height:35px; vertical-align:middle; font-size:.90em; text-transform:uppercase; padding:0 0 0 25px; font-weight:bold; }
#content #lSide .lboxBody { width:530px; background:#FFF url(img/SED-Light_lBoxFT.gif) no-repeat bottom; min-height:20px; padding:10px; margin-bottom:10px; }

#content #rSide { float:right; width:240px; }
#content #rSide .rboxHD { color:#3E606F; background: url(img/SED-Light_rBoxHD.gif) no-repeat; width:230px; height:35px; line-height:35px; vertical-align:middle; font-size:.90em; text-transform:uppercase; padding:0 0 0 25px; font-weight:bold; }
#content #rSide .rboxBody { width:220px; background:#FFF url(img/SED-Light_rBoxFT.gif) no-repeat bottom; min-height:20px; padding:10px; margin-bottom:10px; }

Like Pieter said, you have to know css and html to change that all.
Also think about your layout before you make it.


==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#7 05.06.2010 06:52
I decided to make a site with 3 column, i have change the site size in CSS and in midle it's normal with the size that had previously...

I know HTML and a part of CSS but now i'm trying with this tutorial, if i can't i post here the problem which i can't fix...

Thanks a lot pieter and ez.

Added 21 days later:

Please who can help me for this...?
Отредактировано: Albalady (26.06.2010 08:17, 13 лет назад)