Форумы / Cotonti / General / Searching on Cotonti

using wildcards

#1 28.05.2010 02:01
Did you know that you can use % like a * wildcard in searching
so %ustmast% will find Trustmaster..

Onlything not working is the highlighting off the searchtext !!!
The highlight should remove the % signs... (Ticket for next release ??? :D )

Just a thing I found out...

have fun with it
==- I say: Keep it EZ -==
#2 28.05.2010 02:34
now tickek
now search uses % every-case
littledev.ru - мой маленький зарождающийся блог о котонти.
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#3 28.05.2010 05:41
Hi esclkm,

Do not build this option standard in the search please... (Make it optional!)
Because you maybe get more hits that the ppl want.

An extra help text explaining the use of wildcards should be enough

1 thing that should be changed is the url for the search results (linking to the found items)


should be

==- I say: Keep it EZ -==