Форумы / Cotonti / General / Error on install

#1 12.11.2009 12:51
Tried to install cotonti .0.6.4 for the first time and this error comes up.

PHP Error Message
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/??/public_html/datas/config.php on line 22

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Line 22: $cfg['mysqlcharset'] = 'utf8';

#2 14.11.2009 04:04
# AerialAngel : Line 22: $cfg['mysqlcharset'] = 'utf8';
May be an error in the previous(or next) line. Maybe not enough symbol ;
Pavlo Tkachenko aka Dayver
#3 15.11.2009 03:52
Yes the problem is definately somewhere around line 22 (most likely above it). It has something to to with the ; sign or with quote signs (' or ") or with the comments.
I'm guessing you made a mistake when setting the configuration values for your database.