Форумы / Cotonti / General / GenSitemap or Cotonti URL Modifcation

#1 29.08.2009 21:55
The day we will move our website to Cotonti comes closer and closer but I am a bit uncertain about this Cotonti URL Modifcation which is included with Cotonti.
If I use the Cotonti URL Modifcation do I still need to use GenSitemap? I cant see where the Cotonti URL Modifcation does submit sitemaps to google, if even.
Do you still need to submit sitemaps if you use the Cotonti URL Modifcation? Or would that be unneeded cause of how good the Cotonti system is?

And as far as I understood from searching GenSitemap does not work in Cotonti and since there is no replacement (except some plugins which will make google punish you I guess if they see you use it) I am a bit unsure how to go from here as soon as the site goes public.

We are using the GenSitemap right now and I am kind of pleased with the results. Our site is on top with almost everything, not to mention if you search for specific files. We are placed very high with google (not talking pagerank though :( ) and I really don't want to loose our placement.

Some feedback about this would be appreciated :)
<img src="http://www.armaholic.com/datas/thumbs/green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-preview_4.jpg" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
#2 30.08.2009 11:10
Site maps and URL modifications are 2 completely different things.

A sitemap is just a file with every link on your site, so a spider can crawl them easier and search them.

But yes, no Gensitemap does not work with cotonti atm.
#3 30.08.2009 17:19
Ok, I see thanks for the reply. I was just a bit confused as nobody was speaking about gensitemap anymore.

I hope in the future we will see such a tool again, optimized for Cotonti.
I guess I will have to make my own sitemaps for a while (**starts reading) :)
<img src="http://www.armaholic.com/datas/thumbs/green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-preview_4.jpg" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
#4 30.08.2009 19:30
Cotonti URL modification will likely improve your Google rank, since Google also searches your URLs. I think its best to use the URL modification and build your own sitemap according to the sitemaps.org specification. Alternatively, you can use one of the sitemap generators, listed here.
#5 31.08.2009 02:46
# Koradhil : Cotonti URL modification will likely improve your Google rank, since Google also searches your URLs.

Thats good news, I didnt know that could influence our ranking. To be honest I have no idea why our ranking is so low (2) while other websites in our community are higher ranked (4) but have (much) less high position in google results if they are even listed on certain searches.
I have read so much information about ranking and can not see any reason for our site to have such a low ranking I hope when we use this (url modification) the score will improve.

Thanks for those links, they will come in handy while I work on that :)
<img src="http://www.armaholic.com/datas/thumbs/green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-preview_4.jpg" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />