Форумы / Cotonti / Skins / Can I add a...

#1 01.08.2009 05:21
Module for like "Recent Twitter updates.I want people to be able to look atmy Twitter updates from my site.I was wondering if I could put as a little box on the left and every time I update my twitter the update shows.I just need to know what to call it and then what code do I put there?
Отредактировано: minoation (01.08.2009 08:19, 14 лет назад)
#2 01.08.2009 22:57
im guessing you got this off my site huh? :D

well ill help. i know how. ill post a topic in cotoni to show people.
#3 01.08.2009 23:08
Twitter gives you a code, and all you have to do is add that code into a box in index.tpl and you are all done! its pretty simple.
#4 01.08.2009 23:43
#5 02.08.2009 00:12
Okay.AerialAngel I got it from PDC and your site.Plus it would quite the nice addon.Nice site btw.So n average the tweets take "how long" load?
Отредактировано: minoation (02.08.2009 00:28, 14 лет назад)