Forums / Cotonti / Support / How to display the chosen news category description on index?

#39062 2014-01-23 20:51

I am trying to display the choosen news category description on my index and I am not sure how I can retrieve it.
There is {PAGE_ROW_CATDESC} however to be able to use that you need to use it within the ROW block.
I need to output that value outside of the row block.

Is there a way for me to get the choosen new category description (so the description if you for example view this news: index.php?c=news_arma2oa_general on the index) to display on my homepage?

I was checking the php dump and I saw this: "{PHP.cot_cat.news_arma2oa.desc}" which actually outputs the correct value of that specific section. So, if any tag can not be used and I should use a PHP global, how can I use that one to dispal the category description depending on each section instead of just this one?

I could of course make 100 IF blocks (if I have 100 news categories) which check certain values and show specific data. I am just trying to find an easier way so that with maybe just one IF block I can get the value. Since adding 100 IF blocks in my honest opion really makes no sense I hope someone can tell me how I can achieve this.

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