Forums / Cotonti / Support / How to display the chosen news category description on index?

#39071 2014-01-24 10:01


Ok, let me write a few examples to try and clear up :)
On the index.php we show all news (using the news plugin). However, since we have a constant news flow for many different categories during an entire day I have made a news selector. This allows people to output only news of a specific news category on the index.
So, by default people are on the index.php which outputs all news --> index.php?c=news
However, people might want to view all news of one category, for example, all Arma 3 news --> index.php?c=news_arma3
But, instead of viewing all Arma 3 news people can also select to view a specific sub category of the Arma 3 news, for example only Arma 3 addons and mods --> index.php?c=news_arma3_mods
Now, depending on these I want the news selector to show the choosen news category on the index.tpl where the news selector is made. Something like {PAGE_NEWS_CATDESC}  but that one does not exist.

This so people can "see where they are, which news they are currently viewing". {PAGE_ROW_CATDESC} does not work on the index.tpl so thats why I was looking for other tags or php globals. ;) I hope that makes more sense.


Yes I saw that one as well, but sadly it depends the category description of the news category only, and does not change automatically depending on where you are (while using it in index.tpl).


Alternatively you might be able to do the job via HTML-coding / jQuery




Maybe, but than I think an IF block inside the ROW is easier to work with. But that requires some testing first :)
I will give this some tries today/during the weekend but if anyone has a suggestion feel free to post them!


<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />