Forums / Cotonti / Support / Trying to update from Genoa, red fatal errors big time.

#38633 2013-11-26 21:28



I installed and tried it out, had sql error couldn't find the table or something.


I'll wait on that for now I guess.


There is a few bugs, one security that my users reported that must be fixed right away, pretty scary honestly.


I'm working on tweaking and tuning the rest of the skin areas so everything fits good. Its a shame because most of it is just padding and font sizes and line heights etc.. the default skin should of been a little neater than that.


If i had the time I should make cotonti devs a nice clean default theme, surely It couldn't be worse. :P

Added 40 minutes later:

Latest comments on index page, any plugin or something I am not finding here, surely there has to be one?


I have forums and pages but no comments?


and index polls ? tried searching in downloads :/

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This post was edited by singh336 (2013-11-26 22:08, 10 years ago)