Forums / Cotonti / Support / 0.9.15 Issues

After the update to 0.9.15 from 0.9.14 there seems to be issues with "Internal Cache" and "Disk Cache"

#38626 2013-11-26 08:55

I confirm the problem related to cache-extrafields. What I observe is as follows:

  • with cache and xtpl_cache FALSE extrafields values can't be entered in the page edit form (both PAGEEDIT_FORM_EXTRAFIELD and PAGEEDIT_FORM_EXTRAFIELD_TITLE tags output nothing) -- possibly same problem with page add
  • with cache TRUE and xtpl_cache FALSE (also both TRUE) extrafield tags for PAGEEDIT_ appear only after the extrafields are updated via UPDATE button, but after any db operation (i.e. update plugin settigns) the tags disappear again until you hit update over again

This is what I got on fresh install -- both localhost and remote server. Values are displayed as normal. Pretty much annoying, so had to roll back to .14 - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти