Forums / Cotonti / Support / [problem] Page lists as subdomains

#37006 2013-02-11 07:37

Yeah, and at least one subdomain must have the multilanguage support :/

Anyway, I'm still interested in multiple instances for my other project - an old site currently on Genoa which I want to port to Siena. It's very big, very old (10 years old), and I think multiple instances might be a good idea.

Added 5 hours later:

By the way, today I discovered something. It might be a slight bug.

Let's assume I have the following structure:

1. products
1.1 technical-data
2. products-green

... and I add a page with alias "technical-data" under "products-green" and have nice-urls set with rewrites, ... and it redirects me to a category list 1.1 technical-data, not to a page "technical-data" under a different category!

Strange, isn't it? Do you get the same behaviour?

Added 2 days later:

Can you help me with maintaining current login session through subdomains? When I set "multidomain" to true, the rewirte rules somehow break... (urls are strange)

Added 5 days later:

I also have problem with page add :( :( in admin panel there's only m=add parameter...

The redirection rules aren't too intuitive. 

This post was edited by tensh (2013-02-18 09:33, 11 years ago)