Forums / Cotonti / Bugs / Whosonline bug

#36546 2012-12-15 10:51
#36543 Macik:

I foud some errors in code and may try to fix it. But I need to know logic of its internal accounting:

  • if same user logins from 2 diferent system (different IPs) - does system need to log both of it ?

Both authorizations are valid, but whosonline should display only 1 instance. But I don't think multiple logins causes this because it seems like it displays the same data for some or all of online users. Consider this example: there are 4 members and 50 guests online, one of the members is Macik. With this bug, it sometimes shows that these 4 members are all Macik, sometimes it shows that 2 of 4 members are Macik, and like it is shown on Twiebie's screenshot, sometimes it would claim 54 Maciks online.

May the Source be with you!