Forums / Cotonti / Support / FAO Twiebie - Slimbox + Imagescaling plugin (siena)

#34967 2012-07-16 06:48

Frankly, back in 2011 I was also convinced that a Fancybox plugin for Cotonti Genoa was a good idea. I made it wasting a lot of time to transfer the Fancybox options into the plugin config and coding all IF / ELSE statements. This quickly brought me to an understanding that a much easier way is to naturally integrate it via the skin and use options from within the init strings (see below for advantages). Except these, any project might require a different lightbox-clone, so making (and supporting, which is different from making!) each plugin is just nonsense and a huge waste of time. So for you, guys, two small tuts:

1. Fancybox Integration

1.1. Download at

1.2. Copy contents of the source folder into themes/nemesis/js/fancybox/

1.3. Include the plugin in nemesis.rc.php:


1.4. Initialize the plugin in themes/nemesis/js/js.js:


1.5. Add .fancybox class to any element you need like:

<a href="#" title="Lorem Ipsum" class="fancybox"><img src="#" alt="" /></a>

1.6. Find options for the init string here:

2. PrettyPhoto Integration

2.1. Download at

2.2. Unzip the package into themes/nemesis/js/prettyphoto/

2.3. Include:


2.4. Init (example):

	show_title: true,
	social_tools: 0

2.5. Use selectors (mavatar example):

<ul id="listGal">
	<li<!-- IF {PAGE_SLIDER_MAVATARNUM} % 4 == 0 --> class="endItem"<!-- ENDIF -->><a href="{PAGE_SLIDER_MAVATAR}" rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" title="{PAGE_SLIDER_MAVATARDESC}"><img src="datas/galleries/thumb_{PAGE_SLIDER_MAVATARFILE}" alt="" /></a></li>

2.6. Spice up with the options:

Advantages of the non-plugin approach:

- no need for a plugin and no need for a plugin maker

- use any selector and any options for any selector

- modal windows, galleries etc.

- easy upgrade (just copy / overwrite source files)

- use CSS/JS consolidation capability - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти
This post was edited by Kort (2012-07-16 09:09, 11 years ago)