Forums / Cotonti / General / What to do with one month of spare time?

#34784 2012-06-24 19:48

Added 19 minutes later:

#34778 Twiebie:

The forums module has indeed been a good feature of Seditio and Cotonti, but in my opinion it's lacking some basic features that you get out of the box with other forums systems nowadays.

Things like:

  • Subscribe to topic. Notify with instant notice, daily digest, via PM or email.
  • Icon in topics row showing to yourself if you already posted in a topic previously.
  • Nested quotes.
  • Reputation system allowing users to give a +1/like on a post. Bit like Trustmaster's 'Thanks' plugin, but show this per post so others can see the value of a post.
  • Option to quickly share a topic via social media and email.
  • Feature for users to rate a topic.
  • Filter threads on last so many days, rating, number of replies, number of views.
  • Feature for notifications when somebody quotes one of your posts, or replies to one.
  • Ability to use coloured usergroups. Useful for community websites with lots of different ranks/groups.

Just throwing in some ideas here.

#34783 Trustmaster: 

  • Subscribe to topic. I hope Notifier will do that. I also have several related plugins planned, including recent activity and event tracking on site, but those get postponed regularly.
  • Icon in topics row showing to yourself if you already posted in a topic previously. Nice feature request, please add a ticket on GitHub!
  • Nested quotes. Now that we have tamed our bbcodes and parsers, I think we can ease this restriction and add an option to allow nested quotes. Add a ticket, please!
  • Reputation system allowing users to give a +1/like on a post. I can add thanks count display to pages/posts/comments, but I warn you ahead that this will add a lot of SQL queries in forum topics and page comments (if enabled). If the goal pays the price, then add an issue to my thanks plugin.
  • Option to quickly share a topic via social media and email. Social media buttons are usually made right in the templates. I've also seen some social buttons plugins. Maybe email feature is missing.
  • Feature for users to rate a topic. Does rating the first post as a topic count?
  • Filter threads on last so many days, rating, number of replies, number of views. Is it what forumtopicsearch did? More specs please, maybe as a separate topic.
  • Feature for notifications when somebody quotes one of your posts, or replies to one. Depends on notification plugin. First the plugin should emerge, then this feature should be implemented in it.
  • Ability to use coloured usergroups. It is easy at a fast glance but it actually isn't. To apply colors correctly, you need to pass user's main group to cot_build_user() function, which normally takes just user's ID and name to display. This means that all calls to cot_build_user() must be changed and all queries which provide the information which is then used in cot_build_user() should be changed to include user's group too. This actually means that the users table should be joined whenever a user ID appears in a relation (while currently it isn't to reduce SQL load). An "easier" solution which I've seen in many existing corehacks for colored usernames is to fetch user's group from the database on every cot_build_user() call, which adds as many SQL calls as the amount of usernames displayed on page. So, it hasn't been done so far because an optimal solution of this problem hasn't been found. 

I will add tickets for those requests you mentioned.

I think the advantage of a reputation system that shows likes/+1's/thanks per post is that other users can easily see how valuable a post is. Let's say somebody is asking for support and a user replies with the correct solution, other people can give the post a +1 so more users can easily see which post is helpful. I'm not sure how much the performance decrease would be with those extra SQL queries, but I think the goal is worth a few.

Maybe this gives a better indication of a few features:


This post was edited by Twiebie (2012-06-24 19:57, 11 years ago)