Forums / Cotonti / Support / Markitup and IE8

#34735 2012-06-21 09:50

Hi TM.

I've just checked the bbcode example on the markitup site : and it works fine in IE8 so it appears to be the way markitup is being implemented in cotonti Siena 0.9.10

Added 1 week later:

it appears the style.css isnt loading correctly in the Cot implementation (i.e. not at all) under IE8.  I've made sure this wasnt a side-effect of the Nemesis theme, and it does do this under the Symisun theme as well.

I'm not able to test right now as i'm at work, but i'll try hardcoding the markitup css into the theme.rc file to see if forcing the css to load helps.

This post was edited by fraze (2012-07-04 11:45, 11 years ago)