Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Pages for guests - new plugin

Allow guests to submit pages, protected with CAPTCHA

#32989 2012-01-30 21:23

Thanks for the info EZ, I had some time to further dig into this and thanks to your help I did manage to get a lot further now.
Guests can now submit pages without a problem. I found the correct sql code to use for that now.

But, I cant get my CAPTCHA to work, the page will be submitted even though the code has not even been entered. This is what I have in my page.add.tpl:

			<td colspan="3" class="valid">
			<!-- IF {PHP.usr_can_publish} -->
			<input name="rpublish" type="submit" class="submit" value="{PHP.L.Publish}" onclick="this.value='OK';return true" /><input type="submit" value="{PHP.L.Putinvalidationqueue}" />
			<!-- ELSE -->
			{PHP.L.User}: {PAGE_OWNER} {PAGE_VERIFY_IMG}: {PAGE_VERIFY} <input type="submit" value="{PHP.L.Submit}" />
			<!-- ENDIF -->

The whole verify thing is completely ignored. I guess it has to do with the fact that the "submit" is folowed no matter a valid CAPTCHA code or not.
Can anyone tell me how I can change this?

In the original comments4guest plugin the "submit" is part of a "form" in which the verify tags were placed, but, with page.add there is no form. Just the submit button.

Any thoughts?

<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />