Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Pages for guests - new plugin

Allow guests to submit pages, protected with CAPTCHA

#32855 2012-01-21 15:43

I am trying to make my first "own" plugin, I am using the com4guest plugin as a base (dont worry, when released I will credit them for all the original work).
I have no idea wether this will even work, I am simply trying.

Right now I am stuck, I need to give guests write acces to pages (so they can actually submit a page) and I read to be able to do that I need to change the database value. I have been looking at the database for a while but have no idea what value it is and where it is.
So, if anyone here knows how to change this value in the database and can share the info with me that would be appreciated.

When all works guests should be able to submit pages and the CAPTCHA will prevent spammerts to misuse this feature. If a dev reads this and already knows this will never work feel free to tell me to not futher waist my time :)


I am making this plugin since a new site we have has registration disabled (except for staff), however we allow guests to comment on news and pages and it would be nice if guests could also submit pages.


PS: this is for Genoa!

<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />
This post was edited by foxhound (2012-01-21 16:10, 12 years ago)