Forums / Cotonti / General / Moar questions ;)

#32777 2012-01-18 18:13
#32773 lukgoh:

I think it was looking in the core files, I saw how Cot builds its tags. 

$t->assign(cot_generate_usertags($urr, 'USERS_DETAILS_', '', true));

Without looking at it again I thought $urr carried stuff over to other parts. Anyways if in the database a users avatar is stored as a link to the image, so "datas/avatars/imagename.jpg" then the tag should only put out "datas/avatars/imagename.jpg" so I don't understand where it is getting the "<img src="" /> part from, to be able to just use the tag in your tpl file to display the image? It's a little confusing... 

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