Forums / Cotonti / Development / New PFS

Building a new pfs

#29889 2011-06-22 21:31

Hello Folks,

after so many months some informations.

leo and me are currently very busy designing some specs on a big project. so we are kinda busy with that instead of building a pfs replacement system.

BUT i have done some quick mash with ckedit and elfinder and i will release that instead. (this is a experimental version that still has some bugs in it but it can be used to work with.) (test it first and make backups!!!)

i have to mentions that this system uses real folders on the harddrive of the server. so it may is some work to use it on a live site, better start with a fresh installation.
i can give limited support on this plugin and iam only releasing that to keep our promise that we are actually working on the system.

heres the link:


there are some informations you may need:

  • in /doc/ you find a htaccess file wich you can copy in your datas folder to prevent excecution of php files.
  • upload filesize cant set in settings and need to be set in php.ini
  • it just replaces existing tags so you dont need to change that
  • it is not a final version it was just a quick one to test some things regarding our newly designed pfs system
  • i personaly wouldnt recommend to use it on live sites with multiple users using the pfs.
    (though iam using it on some pages i did but in "public storage mode" where all users use the same dir to upload)
  • folders need to be created manualy (i havnt implemented that yet)
  • IMPORTANT !! - you have to uninstall the ckedit plugin before!!!


Generally i have to say iam open to any suggestions but dont except some bugfixing soon. i will concentrate more on the development with leo than working on this plug.
i can help you with installation and try to answer questions to that plugin as fast as i can. as i said it should be a quick temporarily replacement that is better than the current one.


greetings community!


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This post was edited by urlkiller (2011-06-22 21:36, 12 years ago)