Forums / Cotonti / Development / Siena Beta Testing

Bugfixing and evaluation cycle started

#28289 2011-02-09 19:47
# Koradhil : Not sure what you're saying, but the default behavior is the following sequence of finding the right tpl file:
For plugins:
1. themes/usertheme/plugins/tplfile.tpl
2. themes/defaulttheme/plugins/tplfile.tpl
3. plugins/pluginname/tpl/tplfile.tpl
For modules:
1. themes/usertheme/tplfile.tpl
2. themes/defaulttheme/tplfile.tpl
3. modules/modulename/tpl/tplfile.tpl
For core modules (currently just users):
1. themes/usertheme/plugins/tplfile.tpl
2. themes/defaulttheme/plugins/tplfile.tpl
3. system/modulename/tpl/tplfile.tpl
For admin (incl. header and footer):
1. themes/usertheme/admin/tplfile.tpl
2. themes/defaulttheme/admin/tplfile.tpl
3. system/admin/tpl/tplfile.tpl

This explaines a lot.
Because I changed from my default one to another, and I saw parts of the default one.
I use as default my new one, and I changed to nemesis, but this one has not all tpl's included.
My thought was that I then uses the tpls in de plugin/modules.
But the chose of cotonti is also good, but you need to know.

# Koradhil : Should be just a matter of making sure CKeditor is loaded for the signature field as well. Needs to be fixed though because it should be like that by default. Not sure about the icons, I haven't had problems with that.
The icons on top of the CKeditor box. I only see a window with my signature in html.
If CKeditor is loaded the problem will be solved.

Thx for the update.

Added 14 minutes later:

I'm trying to change it.

I thought I change $R['icon-down'] and $R['icon-up'] but it does not work.

Added in symisun-03.php
$R['icon-down'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/arrow-down.gif" alt="" />'
$R['icon-up'] = '<img class="icon" src="themes/symisun-03/img/system/arrow-up.gif" alt="" />'
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This post was edited by pieter (2011-02-09 20:02, 13 years ago)