Forums / National / Russian / Тех. поддержка / помогите перевести

rus -> eng

#2727 2008-12-27 15:35
Используйте, пожалуйста, разметку.
$L['cfg_disable_polls'] = array('Disable polls', '');
$L['cfg_ip_id_polls'] = array('Vote counting method', ''); // N-0.0.2
$L['cfg_max_options_polls'] = array('Max number of options', 'Options above this limit will be automatically removed'); // N-0.0.2
$L['cfg_del_dup_options'] = array('Remove duplicate options', 'Automatically remove duplicate options'); // N-0.0.2

$L['adm_help_polls'] = 'Fill in the form and press "Create" button to start a new poll. Empty options will be ignored and removed. It is not recommended to edit the poll after it has been started because it may compromise poll results.'; //N-0.0.2
$L['adm_polls_on_page'] = 'on page'; // N-0.0.2
$L['adm_polls_error_title'] = 'Poll name is too short or empty'; // N-0.0.2
$L['adm_polls_error_count'] = 'A poll must have two or more options'; // N-0.0.2
$L['adm_polls_created'] = 'The poll has been successfully created'; // N-0.0.2
$L['adm_polls_updated'] = 'The poll has been successfully updated'; // N-0.0.2 
May the Source be with you!