Forums / Cotonti / Development / New PFS

Building a new pfs

#25647 2010-08-14 20:58
Excellent news, I for one am looking forward to see this plugin.
ATM we do not use FSM cause when I started the site in 2006 I was a complete noob with sites. As our site exploded in popularity I regreted not using is soon after up until today.
We have 26125 files in there and its getting a bit crowded (and PFS is not even allowed for normal members, only staff). And yes, just for easy overview and structured setup I would have liked to be using it.

Also having the ability of using subfolders inside the pfs would be a nice addition. It will just be an easy help to structure it more than just adding folder after folder (I have almost 450 folders and just navigating to a folder is a pain now and than).

Not sure if its actually possible but could you add the functionality to be able to change file names while they are inside the PFS? Right now you can edit a file and change its description and move it to a different folder. But being able to change its name IMHO would be just a nice addition as well.
<img src="" alt="green-sea-battalion-uniforms-version-03-" />