Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Support / PHPBB Converter


#24746 2010-05-28 14:03
I restored the two profix's by adding the // like it was before in config.php

I edited index.php and replaced all entries of "echo" with "$log_msg .="

At the end of the file I added the line as show in the following fragment of the code:
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
	$time['end'] = $usec + $sec;
	@$time['sqlavg'] = $time['sqltotal'] / $time['sqlqueries'];
	$log_msg .= '<br /><br />'.sprintf('Page created in %s seconds', round(($time['end'] - $time['start']), 5)).'<br />'.sprintf('Total SQL execution time %s seconds', round($time['sqltotal'], 5)).'<br />'.sprintf('Average SQL execution time %s seconds', $time['sqlqueries']).'<br />'.sprintf('SQL queries: %s', round($time['sqlavg'], 5));
	file_put_contents('log.txt', $log_msg);

I have no feedback on the browser screen after these changes, however: log.txt is being created filled with HTML text containing the same line over and over for pretty much all my current PHPBB users:

sed_users Insert: Field 'user_text' doesn't have a default value

When I make an error in the config.php I get the following screen output:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: log_msg in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\contest\phpbbconv\index.php on line 24 PHP Notice: Undefined index: sqltotal in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\contest\phpbbconv\index.php on line 417

...and the log.txt file (which I erased before retrying) contains a single line telling me there is a problem with accessing the SQL database.

I looked up the sed_users table using Navicat, and the user_text field is a "Text" type. I noticed that the field didn't have "Allow Null" enabled, which I changed.

Now the script is converting users without passwords (Crawler Bot users), but skipping all real users with the following error:

sed_users Insert: Data too long for column 'user_password' at row 1

So I extended the varchar of the user_password to support 255 characters, which converted all user, but they passwords don't work on the Contonti system.

No forum posts were converted after that. The log.txt file read:
Forum Structure Conversion
Structures Converted 0
"Conversion Stoped due to failure above" (sic)
This post was edited by Musashi (2010-05-28 17:51, 13 years ago)