Forums / Cotonti / Extensions / Support / PHPBB Converter


#24702 2010-05-25 06:01
Hi Kilandor, thanks for your reply.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that indeed it would seem like I did something silly like enter the wrong URL, but this is not the case.
When I edit the config.php and make an error on purpose, (misspelled the MySQL user name) I get feedback fron your script:
A Database Connection/Select Problem was encountered, please check your config
Select Database Failed: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
Select Database Failed: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

Page created in 0.12418 seconds
Total SQL execution time 0 seconds
Average SQL execution time 0 seconds
SQL queries: 0PHP Notice: Undefined index: sqltotal in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\contest\phpbbconv\index.php on line 417

I used the following config.php:

//Cotonti Database Information
$db_cot['host'] = 'localhost';	//Database Hostname
$db_cot['user'] = 'removed';	//Database Username
$db_cot['pass'] = 'removed';	//Database Password
$db_cot['name'] = 'cotonti';	//Database Name
$db_cot['pref'] = 'sed_';	//Database Prefix

//PHPBB Database Information
$db_old['host'] = 'localhost';	//Database Hostname
$db_old['user'] = 'removed';	//Database Username
$db_old['pass'] = 'removed';	//Database Password
$db_old['name'] = 'phpbb3';	//Database Name
$db_old['pref'] = 'phpbb_';	//Database Prefix

//This provides a simple warning the first time the script is ran to preven accidental run, and to provide a bit of info
//Incase readme was not read
$first_time_warning = TRUE;
(Username and password removed)
When I correct the error I made in the username, there is a slight pause when I refresh the page, and I get the "Page not found" error.

Edit: Orignally your script had the database prefix lines commented out with the //
I changed that in the above example, no matter if I place it back or not, it doesn't change the outcome.

It may also be worth noting that even though the script says "access denied", it does wipe the sed_users table, locking me out of the clean Contonti database.
This post was edited by Musashi (2010-05-25 06:27, 13 years ago)