Are you ready to switch to HTML parsing permanently?

83.3% 65
1.3% 1
15.4% 12

78 Date 2010-04-14 00:49

Forums / Cotonti / Development / Poll: A global switch to HTML parsing

Are you ready?

#24164 2010-04-17 01:18
How is BBcode killing Cotonti?
It's very simple: with BBCodes you'll have no typography. Meaning the website will not look attractive & professional. Returns instead of paragraph spacing (like in my example) bring your website back to the stone age.
# Kilandor : It doesn't take but a moment for someone to get mad/angry, disagreements or fights to occur or whatever else, and for someone to suddenly one moment decide to do something malicious. So regardless of yes that in most causes that's not an issue. We can't just throw off over to HTML and hope for the best.
This is pure fiction and shall in no way be considered as a reason to keep BBCodes. - создание сайтов, разработка плагинов и тем для Котонти